CBS Sports: Don't let the ruling spoil Miami's 8-lateral TD


Jun 3, 2012
These 10 Things: Don't let the ruling spoil Miami's 8-lateral TD win at Duke -

It's True That Miami's Touchdown Shouldn't Have Counted, But I Don't Care: The knee was down. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. We've all seen it since it happened on Saturday night, but in case you didn't, here's further evidence.

See? It was down. There may have also been some blocks in the back. I honestly don't know, as I never saw a definitive angle on any of the blocks.

Either way, the play shouldn't have counted, but you know what? I'm glad it did, because that was insane. One of the reasons I prefer the college variety of football to the professional kind is because things like this simply couldn't happen in the NFL, and that's too bad, because this was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

I'm going to watch a lot of college football between now and the time I die, and I can't say with certainty that I'll ever see anything like that play again. I'm relieved the refs screwed it up and didn't take it away from me. I also know that Duke fans feel a whole lot differently about this than I do, but I'm OK with that.

I'm sorry, Duke fans. I really am, but I don't want to hear any of your complaints, either.

There aren't many moments in my lifetime of watching sports that have me on the floor laughing as they're going on. And that was before this happened.

I will cherish the memory of this game forever. I even bought a t-shirt.
The knee wasn't down.

Again. The knee was down as the ball was being tossed. The photo shows it on his fingertips. Ergo, he did not have control.

Canes did not officiate the game. We are totally blameless.

CBS nightly news: GRAND LARCENY
CBS Sports: Great play, celebrate!

Thanks, News Media!
I didn't see any penalties on the play or a downed knee, but I've only watched it a few times....

At any rate, we won, they lost - end of story...

The knee wasn't down.
Doesn't matter. If that had been a running play, that would have been correctly ruled a fumble as the ball came out before his knee was down. Does anyone seriously doubt that? I mean there is no way that we could have said he was down before he lost control of the ball.
Come back when you have a penalty flag dropped on you AFTER the fireworks display is over, oh and make sure it is a game for the NC. Otherwise, STFU!
fly the banner with the final score...fug them. If they hatin we must be winning! I rather be hated than laughed at
That play was the 3rd time the Canes won the game. It was SWEET justice. I don't agree that a knew was down but even if it was - I DONT GIVE A FVCK. Canes win baby!!
What's the problem...Final score as reported to the ACC was 30-27 in favor of Miami...Nothing else really matters..
Photos can be very deceiving as everyone knows.

The knee wasn't down.

Again. The knee was down as the ball was being tossed. The photo shows it on his fingertips. Ergo, he did not have control.

Canes did not officiate the game. We are totally blameless.


You don't say? The woman from Mars agrees, and her knee isn't down either.