Can't wait for the season to begin!!

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Heisman Winner
Dec 19, 2013
Just so all of the slurpers on this board are finally removed and quieted down by season's end.
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.

Only an idiot would acquire one of those in this day and age.
Been a loooong offseason. I have to admit as pessimistic as I am about the year, there are some old neurons starting to fire.
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.

Only an idiot would acquire one of those in this day and age.

So, what is it that you acquire then? A long term GF?
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.

Only an idiot would acquire one of those in this day and age.

So, what is it that you acquire then? A long term GF?

Anything you want, as long as there are no legal obligations.
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. I love how we’re slurpers for wanting our favorite team to win
Says the guy with 1500 posts in less than two years.. I know you don't have a life, a wife, or let me shut up.. Keep posting.. I'm far from a slurper, but I'm tired of lames dominating the boards with endless threads about the same ****.

Only an idiot would acquire one of those in this day and age.

So, what is it that you acquire then? A long term GF?

Anything you want, as long as there are no legal obligations.
You are the one with a team full of 8, 9, and 10s right?
I am not sure why we continue to see post like this. I haven't seen any posters that are support Golden. So how about everyone cheer for our team to win and let what happens happen. If Golden doesn't win this year he is gone so posting threads about how you are cheering for BCU is stupid
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