Canesinsight = Canesport and Canestimes together


Jan 30, 2012
On the first game day of the season, every thread has negative titles like "hoping for losses", "fire Al Golden", etc. This is not like any fan site I have ever seen. I swear, all the angry posters from Scout and Rivals have gathered here to wallow in bitterness. Very sad.

Go Canes!
Fans will become more positive if the Canes win. This is a proud fan base that does not tolerate losing.
SLURPERS swallow the bitterness of Fraulden the Incompetent's incompetence.

Others joyfully look forward to the program's redemption. After all,

Firing Day is 87 away.

For you, Mr. Kaaya.

Web sites, threads, fans come and go but UM football has been consitantly mediocre to bad. How anyone can be positive is either dumb, blind or both.
Miami has been irrelevant for over a decade in case you forgot OP. Some of us actually like to see the program win.

You complain about this site, but here you are starting a thread.
Fans will become more positive if the Canes win. This is a proud fan base that does not tolerate losing.

Some are routing for losses so Golden gets fired. Wins would undermine that, so they will be disappointed with the team's success.
Fans will become more positive if the Canes win. This is a proud fan base that does not tolerate losing.

Some are routing for losses so Golden gets fired. Wins would undermine that, so they will be disappointed with the team's success.

I for one am not rooting for losses, but a 4 year sample size has determined that the losses will come. The man in charge has made no changes especially on D so we all know deep in our hearts what is going to happen when they play a team with a pulse.
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Fans will become more positive if the Canes win. This is a proud fan base that does not tolerate losing.

Some are routing for losses so Golden gets fired. Wins would undermine that, so they will be disappointed with the team's success.

I for one am not routing for losses, but a 4 year sample size has determined that the losses will come. The man in charge has made no changes especially on D so we all know deep in our hearts what is going to happen when they play a team with a pulse.

I'm on the route of rooting for a rout. Let's go BC!
Fans will become more positive if the Canes win. This is a proud fan base that does not tolerate losing.

Some are routing for losses so Golden gets fired. Wins would undermine that, so they will be disappointed with the team's success.

I for one am not routing for losses, but a 4 year sample size has determined that the losses will come. The man in charge has made no changes especially on D so we all know deep in our hearts what is going to happen when they play a team with a pulse.

I'm on the route of rooting for a rout. Let's go BC!
I like your play on words Dr Suess would be proud.
Usually in any public forum the extreme voices are usually the loudest. Now I am not saying that the more silent majority are ambivilant to what is going on with the program, they care just as much. Some rightly feel that the Administration is not hearing their voice so they figure the louder and strident they complain the more their case will be heard. Unfortunately, I think this is like pleading your case before a deaf judge.
The college system is like the government, as long as there is a money flow coming in (due to the efforts of others-the players) they could care less what we think. Image is everything and substance means nada.

I think though, we could use a little less cane fan on cane fan verbal violence. Difference of opinion should always be welcomed, but when you start making personal attacks on others that disagree with you,it is atypical of those who wish to suppress free speech. On most college campuses today free speech is welcome, as long as it agrees with the prevailing far left agenda they are infecting young minds with. If you don't agree with them you will be verbally assaulted and marginalized.

Enjoy the game and Go Canes!!!!!!!
I see no negativity here.

We just want to lose games, to get Golden fired, to get Butch Davis, to start playing for National Championships in a couple years.

That's all positive stuff, man.

You have to think positive. No more negative thoughts.

We lose - we lose Golden. And that's good.