Canes win if.....


Nov 10, 2017
The defense plays at the level as they did last week vs VT. We need to stop the run and force them to throw. If we can hold them under 200 yards rushing while rushing for at least 100 yards ourselves I️ like our chances. Malik cannot throw more than 1 int and can’t be super streaky! We need to sustain drives to give the D a rest. No more than 1 turnover max. No stupid penalties, disciplined football. Make ND throw and create some turnovers! What else???? If we win tomorrow I️ don’t see how we’re not at least 4th in the playoff rankings, considering one of tcu/ok will lose and hopefully auburn can beat uga too 🙏🏻
IMO the key the game is for our defense to win on 1st and 2nd downs. If we can force ND to have a steady diet of 3rd & 5+ yards then we have a very solid chance of beating them.
We also need Feagles to be consistent. Can't afford a shank in this game.
One Special Teams score on our end could push the game out of reach
What I really hope for is with all this talk about our defense vs their offense that our offense plays with a chip on their shoulder and just explodes on the ND defense.
The defense plays at the level as they did last week vs VT. We need to stop the run and force them to throw. If we can hold them under 200 yards rushing while rushing for at least 100 yards ourselves I️ like our chances. Malik cannot throw more than 1 int and can’t be super streaky! We need to sustain drives to give the D a rest. No more than 1 turnover max. No stupid penalties, disciplined football. Make ND throw and create some turnovers! What else???? If we win tomorrow I️ don’t see how we’re not at least 4th in the playoff rankings, considering one of tcu/ok will lose and hopefully auburn can beat uga too

no way we give up 200 yards rushing
The BIGGEST key is to stop them on 3rd down, regardless of yards. We absolutely have to stop giving up big gains for first downs on every third down.
Like OP said, sustain drives. We cannot have 3-&-outs and put our defense right back on the field with any sort of regularity. Field position, create more turnovers than we give up, and SCORE FIRST. If we score first, an already lit atmosphere is going to blow the roof off and I just don't see our boys giving up the lead.
win the turnover battle, no stupid penalties, play nasty, physical,fast,violent,smart football on defense! and please capitilize on turnovers when presented!
Miami's offense can out ND down two scores or more and keep it that way. That'll force ND out of their offensive game plan.
Our defense cannot let their emotions lead to undisciplined play and defensive breakdowns. I've been watching all of ND's games from this past year and they are a very well coached team that runs alot of misdirection and they are able to create numerical advantages for themselves in the running game using motion and deceptive ball handling by Wimbush.

That's not to say that we shouldn't use the emotional jolt we'll receive from the big stage and the emotion of the crowd to our advantage, we just can't let our energy be used against us by letting it lead to a lack of focus.
I think the D matches up good enough to hold em off but the O has best game yet and emerge as the big story.
Offense has to win this one. ND is gonna score points - maybe 30 ish.

Needs rosier and homer to dominate.