Canes vs. UVA

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You literally came on here talking about how "no staff can teach these kids". That is total ********* and if it happens to be true. That means Manny is a complete moron for recruiting a team loaded with unteachable kids.
In regards to the rest of your statement, its true, but again that on Manny. If our players don't eat right, Manny needs to step in and hire a new nutritionist. Are they lifting seriously? If not we need a new SC coach. Do they study opponents? If not manny needs to take control of the film room and fire coaches that allow the players to not watch film.
In regards to misevaluations. That is entirely on the coach. If you have a couple bad employees, you fire them and hire some new ones. If a company is filled with all bad employees. You fire leadership, because they clearly don't know how to make hires.
No, what I literally wrote was "If you put Iowa or Wake Forest's staff here, you will get the same results we have seen for the past ~20 years."

Miami needs honors/on-level teachers, not AP. I would bet that is true for many of the top teams.

Nutritionists don't have the amount of control over players to force feed them, no matter how much of a positive result that could have for everyone involved. Strength coaches have limits on interaction with athletes. All of Miami's NFL OL over the past 10 years have received outside S&C work. Strength coaches can't violate the NCAA time limit regulations. The film comment makes me think you are drunk too. Manny may not be the guy. But as you said, the leadership needs to be fired and I think that lays somewhere higher than Manny. I would like to see the admissions/applications data for Miami in relation to the football team. I would bet Miami's academic success was tied to a larger application pool for having a good football team. There are lots of party schools, academic schools, and footballs schools. How many are all 3? Miami was one and I bet it increased the student pool.
But for real, all jokes aside.... That was one of Cams most impressive runs.
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