Canes vs The Bulldogs... of LA Tech

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Because our coaches suck.

I like all our quarterbacks, Martell included.

He doesnā€™t look the same here as he did for OSU. Maybe he is the best and the goof off staff canā€™t see it.

I suspect that in our trash offense, he is far worse than Jarren. That is no knock on Martell. With a guy like him, you have to use him correctly.

We wonā€™t do that so itā€™s probably better for us all if he doesnā€™t destroy his confidence until we find a coordinator that fits and run a system that accentuates his strengths and not expose his weakness.
Makes sense to me. šŸ‘
wtf is with this sideline reporters hair. Freaking me out.
Image result for sid vicious wrestler gif
Heā€™s not even ***. He puts on a *** act to get attention and he keeps going and going - no limits, no boundaries. Itā€™s actually probably offensive to *** people.
He plays both ways for sure. His shtick is quite offensive to both straight and ****.
Maybe we can recruit the ref to be our strength and conditioning coach guy is jacked lol
I hope Martell gets a few more drives. Glad he finally gets in
Shown nothing. Doesn't deserve to play. Taking 3 sabbaticals this season. How do you create a positive culture when you can play and not even be there 1/2 the season without an injury?
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