Canes vs Middle Tennessee

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Florida finally made it's first TD pass of the season so they are gonna take our recruits
In Lashlees offense last year he did well at times and struggled at times. He's always been inconsistent. He's always struggled when his primary option wasn't open. The offense this week is a lot closer to what he supposedly did well. He looks defeated probably because he doesn't trust any receivers.
I did not blame gattis once today fyi. this is beyond just the OC. this is a **** show all around. I agree today is diff in terms of what were doing but the dude is straight shot now. he was absolutely 100x better than this ****. if his confidence is gone, id go w garcia and see what happens. if they both suck, then we officially have a coaching issue (whether its the QB coach or the OC).
Unimpressed by James Williams. Imposing physical specimen with all the tools to be great.
Bonehead penalties. Undisciplined. Lackadaisical / half- assed tackling.

Unless he gets it together he will be an incredible failure.
I’m blaming the ****** play calling all season so far on the OC. He’s bad play calling and lack of implementing plays that work to his players strengths and confidence makes him a even bigger ******. Look how much better Michigan looks without this guy.
The play calling has zero to do with execution. These guys didn't show up mentally ready to play.
Who tf he throwing to over 15? He can't even do a 5 step drop.
You don’t need 5 steps to throw a fade! You can do a one step and let it go putting air under it and letting your guy go get it VS single coverage.
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