Canes vs Middle Tennessee

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Turn this game film in to black and white and people would believe that it was from the 50's. 3 yards and a cloud of dust.
Love bunch formations etc. but not every play and working to the short side of the field. Don’t get it
Play call does not mean you throw into a crowd when you can't see. You can take a sack. Both are bad, but one keeps the ball.
Who was thst poster?.
Merry Christmas, Brother. Consider this a gift.


The take:

Low Impact

Kam Kinchens
- the slogan is "no more slow midgets" and unfortunately it looks like Miami signed another. I've honestly never seen a DB get exposed and torched as badly as IMG did to this kid. He got killed in man, got killed in zone, and struggled in run support. His eye discipline got exposed on RPOs. Even worse he made sloppy mistakes as a punt returner. It was a grotesque performance.

He lacks makeup speed in deep coverage and when he loses phase it's over for him. He's slow and tentative filling alleys and dropped his head to lunge tackle on multiple occasions. His angles have to be perfect in run support or he's getting dusted. There's no way to sugarcoat it - he looks like Knowles 2.0 in my opinion. For the self-proclaimed local recruiting gurus I'd love to hear you explain how the traits/performance shown in that game is acceptable and how he's one of the best prospects in the class. I just don't get it.

make a ******* contested catch for the love of God. what is gattis teaching these ****ers?
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