Canes vs Duke

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Yup and it’s a problem. This is why Mario is trying to bring in 7 new lineman. We will see how good of coaches him and Mirabel really are
I think Mario is an elite OL coach. idc about mirabal. hes just a Mario minion imo but I believe Mario coaches the line so it doesn't matter. Its just telling how bad Denis is here and at Oregon.
Poop Toilet GIF
Boat Poop GIF
poop GIF
3 fumbles in first 20 minutes of game is that a record?
They got that culture!
Duke recruits high IQ players who are bring your lunch pale to work kind of guys. They might not have the measureables but they bust their *** to get better and study their playbooks until they know their assignments. Our guys think because they are at Miami they are automatically good
Anyone else notice TVD’s picture on Garcia’s graphic????
I got downvoted for saying out running back room was not good. If you have 3 running backs you have no running backs
I thought we had a good RB room but it wasn’t top 5 or even top 10 like many of the homers touted. Not even close.
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