Canes vs Duke

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I never thought we could look worse than a Manny Diaz coached team.

Mario...take the dadgim points on the FG....
Knock off the 4th and 1 garbage. Your team is not tough enough
It’s da coaching doe

its on both. a part of the coaches job is to get his guys ready. if theyre not invested, it falls on the coaching staff as well as the players. fact is, this is a poorly coached team w players who either dont care, quit, or make the SAME mistakes over and over. who keeps playing 0 even tho his tackling still sucks?
Get Mario and that midget out my face. Lane would have never let this happen. Let’s bring back a” Miami guy”!!!
This is the worst roster we've had in the past two decades, at least. No coaching staff could turn this dumpster fire around in a year. Mario isn't forcing these guys to fumble and drop easy passes.
From the stadium.

This is going downhill fast. We have some weak minded players.

Need some major purging this off-season
Not a popular thing to say and it’s not everyone, but in general it is not a mentally tough team. They consistently struggle to fight through adversity. That’s not a quick fix
Off topic while on commercial, but I know our offense gets flak, but man, Iowa’s QB is toddler level
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