Canes vs. Bama 2021 Opener

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I came in with pathetically low expectations, and Diaz and Co. managed to limbo right under them. Let's be honest, this is Miami football until someone gets serious about bringing in a coach that pays attention to details. Here's an idea, Jimmy Johnson and Howard would have had this team tackle until someone dropped dead on the field, not spending time flapping their gums on Instagram.
0 leadership on this D
A moron coach
Dumb *** players
They fold at the first sign of adversity
Why did you expect us to compete with Alabama?

What part of the last 15 years made you think we'd give them a game?

The overreactions on here are incredible. Just ******* win the ACC Coastal, then start thinking about taking on the big boys. Walk before you run ffs.
Two things are both true: 1) Bubba's an idiot for doing that. it served no purpose 2) targeting is the worst rule in all of sports.
Maude let's keep board closed until next week I don't wanna be here.
We let them beat us by beating ourselves. Nothing new. Never believe off-season hype. Same team same crap. Did Kings arm fall off? Lashlee undercover agent for bama
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