Canes v. GT

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So much for a good opening drive. I am of the belief that we need an OC but execution is an issue.
We are going to lose to a team that may only throw the ball one time tonight
I'd love there to be drastic changes, but we've all suffered 15+ years of this exactly because the admins don't care.

Richt will be here next year, so will his son.

Hopefully with Frenks, times are changing?!?
They score here and I'm going to bed.

I'm really at my wits end with this team. Supporting the Canes is masochistic at this point.
I find it hard to believe Richt keeps his job this is way worse than Golden.

He'll keep it past this year. He gave $1 million to the IPF and just got extended. Flake James isn't going to the BOT asking for a buyout of the contract.

I'm not saying I agree with keeping Richt beyond this year. I'm just telling you what's going on and the process at Miami.
Shaq is one of the best lbs in the country according to this commentator. Oh ok and I’m gonna be a billionaire
Literally all I heard all week is how many Diaz’s defense can’t wait to play Georgia tech ... lol get out of my face
Anyone else notice they get an extra yard on every spot, while we get shorted every spot?
Defense still fighting at least..... would be nice if the offense would like to contribute a little bit
I still can't believe that after nearly 20 years of futility that we're no closer that we were when Coker put the Ferrari in the ditch. You'd think just by dumb luck we would have hired a competent staff by now.
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