Canes owe Butch more than AL.


Dec 30, 2013
In the mist of real sanctions, Butch put assembled the greatest CF team the NCAA has ever witnesses.

The Sanctions--
"For the first time in 13 years, the University of Miami will not play in a New Year's bowl. The Hurricanes' 8-3 record was good enough for an Orange Bowl bid, but the NCAA announced yesterday, after a four-year investigation, that the Hurricanes will be banned from postseason play for one year, and on three-year probation for rules violations.
Miami's punishment includes a reduction of 13 scholarships in 1996-97 and 11 in 1997-98."

The Miami Heat have Pat Riley, and I being a Miami fan no matter what the team am great for having him. The Canes have had the fortune to have had 4 versions of Pat Riley lead the program. Howard Schnellenberger, Jimmy Johnson, Dennis Erickson, and Butch Davis in that order. Our 4 legends.

How is it that the man who assembled the greatest team ever in CF not have a ring? Well he did leave for Cleveland, but so what. It's every coaches dream to be in the NFL, and the man while in the mist of sanctions didn't run, didn't throw players under the bus, didn't do dodgeball, and didn't take **** from anyone. He stayed and left the program better than he found it. Unlike Shannon, Coker, and anytime now Golden. Tired of hearing 1 more year for golden, that 3 per scholarship ban really took a toll on his coaching ability BS or w.e excuse that have for his ***.

I am actually starting to believe that our sanction is having to have Al Golden as our coach. How the **** can you be so stupid, and keep this guy another year? Butch Davis went thru the same thing Al Golden did, and had triumph like if the sanctions never happened. Al Golden is owed nothing, he had played in many national televised games, and was fortunate to have had Duke Johnson as his RB to save his behind from more L's. His *** owes us, ESPN, and DUKE for sucking so **** bad and should just quit. .. Enough is enough... We owe Butch, for the great things he did here in Miami. We have talent now, and it won't take Butch 4 years like last time.

Butch--> Put assistant coaches in the NFL, creates best team in CF, leads teams thru sanctions, puts players in the NFL, develops talent, recruits hidden gems, and loves the U. Again we owe him more.

Golden--> There is nothing positive. At all.. If there ever was he fcked it up somehow.

BBB. Save the U, save it creating a new dynasty.
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I'm disgusted with our administration, but they aren't going to do anything this year that's for sure. We are just going to have to wait and hope that they will act next year.
I'm disgusted with our administration, but they aren't going to do anything this year that's for sure. We are just going to have to wait and hope that they will act next year.

Waiting until next year sets us back another 2 years. If you told me Donna and Blake had fsu tattoos on their vagins I would not be shocked at all. When does fsu get good and win national championships? When UM is on probation or being run by incompetent ********.
Butch not only save THE U and brought it though the worst ncaa investigation and punishment (***** the joke of the cloud, Butch had the full blown Cat 5 hurricane) but he also is about the only coach to NOT have a ncaa problem during his stay. I love Howard but he had a bad one(lost bowl game), Dennis had the worst, and wasn't there some sort of thing with JJ about phones? I count Al as part of ncaa penalties, but his players have gotten in a lot of trouble too. Butch did it both old school Cane on the field and clean off the filed. We do owe Butch but more important he knows what to do and would be the equal in recruiting for THE U to any of the big boys, Saban, Urban, Jimbo, and now the dude at the other UM. Butch had NFL 1st rounder in about every position except maybe kicker and punter. And he is cheap. He is actually perfect. (The NCU thing was purely a long term academic scandal that started long before Butch was there, heck, I think it was before he was even at Miami.
I'm disgusted with our administration, but they aren't going to do anything this year that's for sure. We are just going to have to wait and hope that they will act next year.

Waiting until next year sets us back another 2 years. If you told me Donna and Blake had fsu tattoos on their vagins I would not be shocked at all. When does fsu get good and win national championships? When UM is on probation or being run by incompetent ********.

I agree but u know that our shtty admin won't do anything. If they haven't acted by now they aren't going to. The firing period is over and our ****** admin did nothing.