Canes family, Kaepernick and tolerance

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Sep 25, 2019
What’s with all the incivility and intolerance? We come from lots of different backgrounds and cultures and from all over the country and have lots of different likes and dislikes, but we are all CANE FANS. WE ARE FOR LACK OF A BETTER WORD FAMILY! And like a family we will disagree, but because we are family when we don’t see eye to eye we should at least be able to sympathize or empathize with others views, or at least try to see or hear what a family member is saying and should definitely strive to be civil even in our disagreements.
The Kaepernick post raised a lot of negative comments. And for the record, as he has repeated and others have clearly explained, the taking of the knee has little to do with the flag. It was about bringing attention to the problem of police violence in this country. And it has a negative effect on the country, the Black community more than others.
The team we cheer for is overwhelmingly Black and I can guarantee you that some of them have had to deal with police harassment or know someone who was brutalized or even killed unjustly by the police. So this is a concern in the Black community.
So as humbly as I can express this, I would think that since we are family on some level shouldn’t we all have just a bit of sympathy and empathy for the community that experiences this, since we are FAMILY and cheer for teams that have people on them that are overly affected by this problem? I don’t agree politically with probably most of my fellow Canes, but I simply agree to disagree and don’t chose to mock their positions or their people on a fan site, because we are on some level FAMILY.
If you have ever met anyone who has lost a child to police violence esp when they hadn’t done anything wrong, (and I have met a few) you would have seen a person in pain like you have never seen before. They carry a since of betrayal that hurts deeply it would be like a Cane player hurting your kid after you had cheered for him and wished for his success.
So if we can’t empathize or sympathize can we at least try to listen and definitely not pour salt in an open wound!
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