Butch da God built this

Guy wins zero titles, bolts for a paycheck, and finds himself coaching FIU in the Bahamas Bowl.

But he is a football gawd.

Not to mention he intentionally tied his NFL fortunes to Tim Couch. That in itself is defining.

Davis was a goofy coach. Dependably baffled on the sideline. I remember frequent situations in which it would be obvious -- for example -- that the Canes should go for 2 when we scored, yet Davis would have no clue. Someone would tell him after the touchdown, and then he'd start frantically waving his arms and screaming 2 points. I was always convinced he'd never figure it out otherwise.
Butch gets credit for building the greatest canes team ever .butch is a great talent evaluator and at developing players.but there's one problem butch doesn't coach here anymore.so why keep crying over something that'll never happen.in the future miami might have or not have another team like that.certain things is we all will still be cane fans getting old sitting in rocking chairs reminiscing the glory days.
Are we really discussing the merits of the FIU football program. The U had almost an 80 year head start. Butch is doing good things for that program. But with the history we have, and access to resources there is no excuse for Mork to be such crap. The guy is plan and simple a out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason Jon is on staff is because Mork knows he’s losing it and he needs someone on staff that he could trust.
Richt "isnt my guy"

115 is 115, sorry you can't say anything and can only deflect

I think u misunderstand me. I don’t care what butch does. He isn’t coaching here. 1, 15 or 115....makes no difference to me.

My point is that a coach at UM pulling in a 45th ranked class, shouldn’t be coaching at UM. Dude is floundering.
If you are referring to me you are sadly mistaken. I am far from afraid to go on a hawg hunt with you. You act like it takes toughness or balls to have dogs chase down a pig and then you go and gut it real quick while it is being pinned down. You would get mugged in minutes if you walked through the section of NY I grew up in with that tough guy act.

Forgot you were from NY my man, but you will be welcome also, can even be point man.
Used to hunt hogs with little leopard dogs from Texas on horseback in the Hellhole Swamp in South Carolina - and a large private reserve just north of Savannah with Robert Cruz and Tom Coleman.

We caught them with our bare hands - tied them up, and carried them out across the saddle - and sold them. Been in a lot of gunfights - and this catching them was clearly the most dangerous - but most exciting thing I've ever really loved doing. We'd come back in bleeding and bruised - but the best of times! Once you dove for his hind legs - you didn't dare turn loose!

Gotcha man, you got to get that noose over the snout first thing, then depending on how big, you tie the legs and bring him out to sell, or cut the throat and bring him for smoker.
This thread is why a lot of people get turned off about the whole Butch thing. Some on here have turned him into some kind of a walk on water Messiah who created a diamond out of a lump of coal.

He didn't come in here and turn the 2010 Temple Owls into National Champs overnight. He took over a a nationally dominant team that was in the middle of an unprecedented run of success. When he was hired in 1996 we had finished in ranked in the Top 10 nationally 10 of the 12 prior years. and had won FOUR national titles in the previous 13. We were ranked in the Top 10-15 preseason that first year.

But as scholarships dropped so did the record. And Butch did an amazing job of rebuilding us to what he left us with. But people forget the the time in-between. There were no big upsets. We got THROTTLED every single year by Virginia Tech and FSU. He went 0-10 against them his first five seasons. He didn't outcoach or outscheme Bowden or Beamer for a surprise win during the tough times. Even at the end of his 5th year, we went to Blacksburg and got humiliated 43-10.

During all of that, kids still wanted to come here. They never stopped wanting to. Once Bowden couldn't keep thorwing out the death penalty nonsense the 17-18 yeara old kids who had seen the dominant teams and the 87 and 91 teams win it with swag with their own eyes still loved the U.

Here's the biggest part where Butch gets and deserves ALL the credit he can get. He had an amazing eye for talent and did a perfect job of bringing in the right guys, all who bled Orange and Green, with the limited scholarships he had available. Had he not done that, the rebuild could have and would have taken a lot longer.

Once he did that and got us back on track, we just started bludgeoning teams with overwhelming talent.

Just my opinion.
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Even Saban left for the NFL and had a great job, Butch did the same I dont blame him for trying. Hate that he left though

Yeap. I want HCs that want the nfl. Those are the ones who made us great. Lifers just don’t work here. Saban has found strange situation and manages to get second chances to win titles in years where historically teams don’t. Besides him, none of the “greats” would last at Miami. Bowden won just two in in over 30 years— do you think he would have lasted here? Joe Pa won four, I think, but he coached PSU for like 50 years. The two best, Bud Wilkerson, 3NCs in 15 years, and The Bear, 6 NCs in 25 years, might have lasted but I’m not sure. Butch got cheated out his title before he left by the stupid selection process that let the team we just beat get the shot. Had he resigned, he would have probably got two in a row and a better NFL job.
This thread is why a lot of people get turned off about the whole Butch thing. Some on here have turned him into some kind of a walk on water Messiah who created a diamond out of a lump of coal.

He didn't come in here and turn the 2010 Temple Owls into National Champs overnight. He took over a a nationally dominant team that was in the middle of an unprecedented run of success. When he was hired in 1996 we had finished in ranked in the Top 10 nationally 10 of the 12 prior years. and had won FOUR national titles in the previous 13. We were ranked in the Top 10-15 preseason that first year.

But as scholarships dropped so did the record. And Butch did an amazing job of rebuilding us to what he left us with. But people forget the the time in-between. There were no big upsets. We got THROTTLED every single year by Virginia Tech and FSU. He went 0-10 against them his first five seasons. He didn't outcoach or outscheme Bowden or Beamer for a surprise win during the tough times. Even at the end of his 5th year, we went to Blacksburg and got humiliated 43-10.

During all of that, kids still wanted to come here. They never stopped wanting to. Once Bowden couldn't keep thorwing out the death penalty nonsense the 17-18 yeara old kids who had seen the dominant teams and the 87 and 91 teams win it with swag with their own eyes still loved the U.

Here's the biggest part where Butch gets and deserves ALL the credit he can get. He had an amazing eye for talent and did a perfect job of bringing in the right guys, all who bled Orange and Green, with the limited scholarships he had available. Had he not done that, the rebuild could have and would have taken a lot longer.

Once he did that and got us back on track, we just started bludgeoning teams with overwhelming talent.

Just my opinion.

There is truth in what you say but you underplay how bad is was when he took over. After running out of the talent left by JJ, which was largely recruited by Butch, also, Denis left a real mess. Nobody really wanted the job at that time. If fact, it is possible Butch was about the only coach who would take it. I am not sure that we would have ever recovered from the disaster the Foote adminstration left(the Pell Grant thing was administrative not form the atheletic departments). Butch’s moment has probably passed and even he can not replicate it but why not try? That is want grates us.

Look, I love all my Canes and Randy has great backstory but seriously, him over Butch? Golden over Butch? I knew Mark with Howard. Great kid and I knew the gutless adminstration was going to go with him but still, why? He was hot when he took the uga job but by then he had proven he was the same HC as he was QB - no leadership. Now he becomes more like Al every day but with a loser son sucking up the second most important assistan slot at Miami. Butch at Miami was magic and it is criminal to not throw those dice one more time
Are we really discussing the merits of the FIU football program. The U had almost an 80 year head start. Butch is doing good things for that program. But with the history we have, and access to resources there is no excuse for Mork to be such crap. The guy is plan and simple a out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason Jon is on staff is because Mork knows he’s losing it and he needs someone on staff that he could trust.

No one cares about the merits of the FIU football program. What we're wondering is why such a football gawd went from the inception of a potential dynasty all the way down to FIU. Like I said before, you couldn't script a worse coaching descent than what we've seen from Butch Davis.

That's literally like Saban leaving Alabama in 2008 and ending up at Rice 15 years later.
Forgot you were from NY my man, but you will be welcome also, can even be point man.
Ooh. Point man. What a prestigious honor. I'm sure he's dropping his Wall Street Job to come running and hunt a wild pig in the muck. Why would he do that when he can just hire some buffoon to do it for him? My brother in law use to take my nephew hog hunting to man him up. Kids the biggest beta I've ever seen as a n adult. So much more the manliness of letting a pit bull do all the work for you.
No one cares about the merits of the FIU football program. What we're wondering is why such a football gawd went from the inception of a potential dynasty all the way down to FIU. Like I said before, you couldn't script a worse coaching descent than what we've seen from Butch Davis.

That's literally like Saban leaving Alabama in 2008 and ending up at Rice 15 years later.
You never know.....
Now you're a soothsayer besides a pesky little fly. Really evolving that persona, aren't you?
Here’s my question:

Why don’t Schnelly or JJ get the flack that Butch gets for pursuing something bigger?

Did Schnelly not lead us to our first championship in team history just to go pursue the USFL? Worst yet, the USFL completely flopped!

Did JJ not leave us for the Cowboys?

**** Erickson **** near destroyed the program, literally.

Butch brings it back up, gets a shot at the NFL, and he’s demonized. Y? Y him and not the others?
There is truth in what you say but you underplay how bad is was when he took over. After running out of the talent left by JJ, which was largely recruited by Butch, also, Denis left a real mess. Nobody really wanted the job at that time. If fact, it is possible Butch was about the only coach who would take it. I am not sure that we would have ever recovered from the disaster the Foote adminstration left(the Pell Grant thing was administrative not form the atheletic departments). Butch’s moment has probably passed and even he can not replicate it but why not try? That is want grates us.

Look, I love all my Canes and Randy has great backstory but seriously, him over Butch? Golden over Butch? I knew Mark with Howard. Great kid and I knew the gutless adminstration was going to go with him but still, why? He was hot when he took the uga job but by then he had proven he was the same HC as he was QB - no leadership. Now he becomes more like Al every day but with a loser son sucking up the second most important assistan slot at Miami. Butch at Miami was magic and it is criminal to not throw those dice one more time
I double down on these words of wisdom. Thank You.....
What’s the point of this thread? Butch built a dynasty in waiting, that’s for sure. But broke out before realizing how great a program he built. Had he stayed, UM would have had a run that makes this current Bama run look insignificant. Actually Bama probably never goes on it’s current run because they would have had to compete with the UM juggernaut for the best talent. The “Wall” around SFLA” would have been firm. We would have had the pic of the lot of who we wanted in SFLA and won our share OOS 5 stars as well. Our biggest issue has been the lack of continuity with our best coaches. If Schnelly, JJ and Butch would have stayed longer and create a better transition of of leadership, OMG!!! Point is, Butch ****ed us and set us on up for failure. I appreciate what he did but I don’t enshrine him like some of you guys do. He is a great coach whose legacy will never be as great as it could have been he saw the big picture.
ahhhh, another well thought out post by one of the many 22 year olds on this board who just does not understand, so many here these days, when you guys balls finally drop you will understand. Butch ***ed us ??? jesus man you cant be that dumb, no way. Set us up for failure he says ? too funny
on another note, early in the vid, KD throwing that short out route in shorts, he is one scrawny *****, they couldnt seem to put any weight on him the whole time he was here, another 20 lbs woulda sure done him good
ahhhh, another well thought out post by one of the many 22 year olds on this board who just does not understand, so many here these days, when you guys balls finally drop you will understand. Butch ***ed us ??? jesus man you cant be that dumb, no way. Set us up for failure he says ? too funny
LOL at him setting up 2 straight national title appearances (should have been 3) is a failure. You hit the nail on the head, most of these guys weren't around to really see what Butch did, it was incredible