Breaking News: The NCAA is still a bunch of *******

Dan E. Dangerously

This's my note
Nov 3, 2011
Jeremy Fowler @JFowlerCBS
#NCAA says no changes to #MIami scholarship losses despite UM request to count self-imp. reductions in Shapiro probe…

The NCAA will not be flexible with Miami's scholarship penalties over the two-plus-years-long Nevin Shapiro probe despite the Hurricanes' request to consider self-imposed scholarship withholdings from previous years, a UM official told

In October, the NCAA stripped Miami of nine scholarships over the next three seasons after it concluded Shapiro, a former booster and Ponzi schemer, provided impermissible benefits to athletes, coaches and recruits from during much of the 2000s.

Miami – which in 2013 played with 76 scholarships instead of the normal allotment of 85, according to the school – hoped it could roll over a portion of those losses to fulfill the nine-scholarship penalty. But the Hurricanes recently got word that the NCAA would not budge, so UM's roster will move forward with 82 scholarships over the next three years.

This was not a formal appeal from Miami, but a request to the NCAA for reconsideration. In October, UM athletic director Blake James told the Miami Herald of the self-imposed scholarships: “We'll document with the NCAA the steps we took and work with them on checking on the possibility of that being included in this year's scholarship numbers.”

Miami also self-imposed two bowl bans from 2011-12, which worked in the school's favor during the investigative process. Miami is free to play in future postseason action.

The case took more than two years to resolve, hindered by the NCAA after the vice president of enforcement approved a five-figure payment to Shapiro's attorney to glean information on the case.

Miami filed a motion to dismiss the case, and the NCAA eventually threw out evidence obtained from the attorney in question, Maria Elena Perez. The NCAA's actions drew the ire of UM president Donna Shalala, who said in a February statement, “we have suffered enough.”
Say hello to the "cloud". Loss of schollie's will be used as an excuse exactly one year from today after a subpar season.
So much for the brillance with which Donna handled the ncaa. Thanks to her, we lost 18 ships over 4 years instead of 9 over 3. Smart move half-pint. Make it up to us by bringing Butch in a recruiting CEO and DC. Promote Mark to your assistant in charge of stupid ideas, so Al will not feel bad.
The case dragged on for what seemed like forever, but the penalty phase couldnt have worked out better. Time to move on and be done with it.
Say hello to the "cloud". Loss of schollie's will be used as an excuse exactly one year from today after a subpar season.

Are you saying that the scholarship reductions are/were not real?

Are you saying scholarship reductions do not impact depth or flexibility and/or increase the importance of not missing on projections?

Are you saying there was no NCAA investigation?

Are you saying there was no negative recruiting or negative impact on the program, a program that was already in a multi-year tailspin?

***** and moan all you want about Golden, but you have a real ******* short memory if you don't think the Shapiro issue was damaging to the school and to Golden's rebuild timeframes.
I know UM just wants it to go away but why not try a lawsuit? They can't hit us with anything more.
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So much for the brillance with which Donna handled the ncaa. Thanks to her, we lost 18 ships over 4 years instead of 9 over 3. Smart move half-pint. Make it up to us by bringing Butch in a recruiting CEO and DC. Promote Mark to your assistant in charge of stupid ideas, so Al will not feel bad.

That ain't exactly true. We have no way of knowing how many scholly losses or what penalties they would have handed down to us without our self-imposing stuff. I'm sure they took our self-imposed restrictions into consideration when meting out their judgement.
The orcs, I mean the ncaa is feeling that we embarrassed them. The Miami case will forever be a tarnish on their reputation. Thanks to this case and the way Miami handled it and the way ncaa didn't, the ncaa will forever be looked upon as a bunch self-serving, lying, money-grabbing, rule-twisting, agenda-driven, backwards organization that needs to be demolished, destroyed and done away with. So yeah, there's not much chance they will are going to do us any favors.
I hate that I was correct, but I said over and over again that the NCAA would never give us credit for unused scholarships.
Say hello to the "cloud". Loss of schollie's will be used as an excuse exactly one year from today after a subpar season.


There it is.... your more than welcome to jump on another teams bandwagon anytime you'd like
I know UM just wants it to go away but why not try a lawsuit? They can't hit us with anything more.

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because litigation is generally a PITA. Maybe because litigation of this sort (and usually any sort) is pretty **** time consuming and expensive?
Of course they didn't accept what we were telling them. We never self imposed we just poorly recruited. What school would self impose and not tell the NCAA until afterwards? Also why would it matter how many players we on our roster? We just can't kick players off the team to save ships. Look how last recruiting season ended with us signing a handful after NSD. It is all about how many we bring in.