Bowl Projections: UGA vs Miami...who you got?

Fellas it was just a hypothetical. UGA would annihilate Miami and further reveal who is the fraud. Kirby's teams playing in a couple SEC Championships and almost winning a national Championship in his first couple of years has already erased the painful memory of Mork's dictatorship ever existing in Athens. Miami will now suffer under his authoritarian rule. Buckle up.

As for the fake punt, Kirby had flashbacks of losing in the final seconds last year and that fck'd him up. Kirby tried to pull a Saban - onside kick, switching QBs, etc to win National Championships - to seal the deal because he knows Saban/Bama won't go away quietly. He has balls. Maybe stupid balls but being a first time head coach he will learn from this. What is Mork's excuse?...its the players

Dabo use to look like shiit but has now built a powerhouse. Kirby is already better than Dabo at this point in their careers as first time head coaches in my opinion. Just like Clemson with the ACC/FSU/Miami, Kirby will ultimately take down the best. Only a matter of time.
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UGa lost by 20 to LSU

Miami lost by 16 to LSU

= Miami would beat UGa

They don’t have enough talent and don’t have the better coach.
If Mark Richt is willing to hire a real offensive coordinator/QB coach, then I would prefer to be in UM's position going forward than I would UGA's.

This year UGA is a more complete team than UM is, so UGA would win that mythical game bigly. (although our D would keep it closer than it should be). That said, going forward I think we 'can be' in a better place.
even a retarded rhesus monkey wouldn't match up Georgia with a 7-5 circus coached by clowns.
Richt had a better first three years at UGA than Smart.
numbers wise fair comparison, K.Smart has added staff, invested in facilities and UGA is doing what you need to do to have a consistent BCS has changed in many ways its an arms race with big schools.
main issue with the Deacon is an out dated approach to offense.....
Yea LSU pounded us and UGA pounded LSU, makes sense.
