Off-Topic BLM Calls for end of economic embargo on Cuba

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Cartel Soldier
Jan 14, 2012

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has released a statement condemning the U.S. government's "inhumane" treatment of Cubans and urged President Joe Biden to lift the decades-old embargo against Cuba.


The United States spent 20 million each year since 2009 in assistance programs to Cuba.

The Us exported 176 million worth of food last year alone and Cuba imported 123 million worth in Chicken in the last 6 months.

The embargo also doesn’t stop humanitarian goods like medication and supplies from being shipped to Cuba either but yet somehow it’s nowhere to be found. I wonder where it went?

The Embargo doesn’t prevent Cubans from fishing, being able to conduct an ordinary business, or strip farmers of a year’s harvest. The embargo doesn’t throw people in jail for singing songs about freedom, celebrating Christmas, or bartering with other families that have a surplus in supplies. The embargo doesn’t beat you in the streets and forces your son to be stripped from his family. The Embargo doesn’t confiscate your personal items that you have. The Embargo doesn’t tell Cuban Citizens they can’t leave the island even though they have papers to do so because they hold certain jobs. All the Embargo does is prevent the lining of the Cuban government’s pockets. You lift the Embargo and you crush the protests that are going on in Cuba.

Stop spreading your propaganda on CIS communisto.
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