Best feeling after a win since 2005 VT

Hard for me to compare how I felt after games.

I'm a little older now, a little more appreciative. Listening to Golden fight tears through his post game PC really drove it home for me. I've never been happier for any team, ever.

Sure games stack up and there's been bigger moments obviously....tons of them.

But I've never ever felt better for a group of kids than I do right now. Its just a moment they can finally exhale, even if its only a moment.

golden hit it on the head as usual. it has been a tough 26 months and this is a veritable, tangible sign of the program turning upwards.

Right, but he stressed that it isn't a programme defining win. There's still lots of work to do.

I'd love to be a journalist covering the Hurricanes. Golden gives you amazing soundbites every day.