Begging For Butch


Jan 16, 2014
We need this feeling back .. Watching these old videos the players actually carry themselves differently because they KNEW they were better .... UM needs this back .... One day I read Butch is very possible in coming back and the next day I read that it's no possibility at all .... Sombody with any kind of insight .. Please give me some hope ......... Will he be back or is it long gone ....?
We need this feeling back .. Watching these old videos the players actually carry themselves differently because they KNEW they were better .... UM needs this back .... One day I read Butch is very possible in coming back and the next day I read that it's no possibility at all .... Sombody with any kind of insight .. Please give me some hope ......... Will he be back or is it long gone ....?

Its been 4 days, prepare for the entire month of Nov to be the same.
1. Is Butch better than Butch? YES!
2. Is Butch equal to Butch? **** YEAH!
3. Is Butch Butch? **** YEAH!
4. Butch passes the Butch test.
5. Hire Butch.

By the way, to date, Butch is the only candidate to actually pass the Butch test.

Obviously the screaming is being heard. We have to scream louder, sign the petition, fly banners send a cake with a naked chick with a BBB sign EVERYTHING. They know the fans are their $ and that's what talks!
Butch or Herman! I say Butch because if he didn't work out, there will always be a new up and coming coach! I want to see Butch finish what he started!