Banners flying today

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You are naive

When you become half the cosch that Mark Richt is, hit me up on here.

I think our season was a disaster, but you saw how great our WR's are and our OL is. No, I don't like CMR calling the offense, and I don't like JR on the staff.

But, you're part of the reason our program is disrespected and, to be honest, disrespectful to everyone and by everyone

In most cases that behavior is recognized as clueless, you're not far from this.

Wow, triggered much?

Going to the old when you become half the coach Richt is huh, nice! You really got me there, good one.

So you think the season is a disaster, you complain about the WR's and OL. You also complain about JR (remind me who hired him??), and post this on a public message board. Yet I am the reason our program is disrespected and disrespectful to everyone? Did the post you originally hit me on attack the players? Nope, yet you take a shot at position players and a coach, very disrespectful don't you think Mr. Triggered?

Yes, I agree your actions are classless and you should not post your indifference to Richt, since you are such a supporter of the team. You should also not discuss positions on the team that fail, but you Mr. Triggered are too clueless to recognize your actions.

For the record I said I thought the play on the field was more impactful to a recruit than a banner. You find this to be incorrect? I said winning cures a lot of issues and losses to teams we should beat is more damaging than a banner when it is four in a row to lower teams in the ACC. You find this incorrect? I also said if a player see a bright future here he will come regardless of banners. You find this incorrect?

I think my statements are correct, and you are blinded by your PC thoughts and just so triggered that you cannot see just how naive you are as you bash and blame.
Lol 🤦‍♂️ the only thing happened this year was further development and building.... had to get the younger guys up to speed. Next year we will be a much better team.
Exactly, this kid was already committed to Syracuse. He decommitted to flip to Miami, Rorcht **** the bed 4 times in a row, AGAIN and the kid flips back to Syracuse.

because Syracuse is DBU
Wow, triggered much?

Going to the old when you become half the coach Richt is huh, nice! You really got me there, good one.

So you think the season is a disaster, you complain about the WR's and OL. You also complain about JR (remind me who hired him??), and post this on a public message board. Yet I am the reason our program is disrespected and disrespectful to everyone? Did the post you originally hit me on attack the players? Nope, yet you take a shot at position players and a coach, very disrespectful don't you think Mr. Triggered?

Yes, I agree your actions are classless and you should not post your indifference to Richt, since you are such a supporter of the team. You should also not discuss positions on the team that fail, but you Mr. Triggered are too clueless to recognize your actions.

For the record I said I thought the play on the field was more impactful to a recruit than a banner. You find this to be incorrect? I said winning cures a lot of issues and losses to teams we should beat is more damaging than a banner when it is four in a row to lower teams in the ACC. You find this incorrect? I also said if a player see a bright future here he will come regardless of banners. You find this incorrect?

I think my statements are correct, and you are blinded by your PC thoughts and just so triggered that you cannot see just how naive you are as you bash and blame.
Triggered much?

Lol, nice work, but facts are facts. The best players out there are coming to UM simply because they see a bright future. Don't be ridiculous. The best players go to the "loudest" and most "brash" programs, as well as the programs that cater to them the most. When kids see how disrespectful our fans are its a total letdown.

Why don't you explain to me why we haven't been relevant in the past decade and a half, and try not to sugar coat it by simply blaming coaches. The fans define a program, and if I was CMR I would call all of the fans out, tremendously, but that's just one other thing he needs to work on.

To get back on track, however, yes flying banners is certainly a disgrace, and to be a part of that is a disgusting embarrassment.
Triggered much?

Lol, nice work, but facts are facts. The best players out there are coming to UM simply because they see a bright future. Don't be ridiculous. The best players go to the "loudest" and most "brash" programs, as well as the programs that cater to them the most. When kids see how disrespectful our fans are its a total letdown.

Why don't you explain to me why we haven't been relevant in the past decade and a half, and try not to sugar coat it by simply blaming coaches. The fans define a program, and if I was CMR I would call all of the fans out, tremendously, but that's just one other thing he needs to work on.

To get back on track, however, yes flying banners is certainly a disgrace, and to be a part of that is a disgusting embarrassment.

1. You truly believe this statement? Cater, sure, I'll give you that, but players want to go to the NFL and want to win championships. We used to say we played for National Championships, now the bar is set at the coastal. Ya know, Richt won a bowl game and won the coastal. So we are supposed to bow down to him and forgive him for this season, and the disaster that is so far this recruiting class, and may I add, the recruiting issues were way prior to the banner. Who on the offensive side can you truly say has improved their stock to where they could be a top draft pick from this team? If none, why? Oh, and don't blame coaches from three years ago.

2. Why can I not address the issue of coaching? Why have we continued to devalue our players stock when this is a potential living for them? Why can we not coach to our players ability any longer. Why are we not innovative any longer (Manny has done some great things)? Teams used to copy us back in the day, why as of a few years ago were we being called Candy Canes on national TV? We had talent and didn't develop it in some cases, in others, yes poor recruiting, but you said don't blame coaches. I can blame the AD because I feel he made a poor selection and is weak at his job can't I? But you want to blame facilities, lack of an IPF, dorms..., I'm sure. If so, how did we win in the past with basically nothing?

EDIT: Coach No D was just fired from UH. Look at the difference in our defense just by making a coaching change. But, bad fans for flying banners, if we had it your way No D would still be walking the sidelines at the rock making Heisman candidates of every QB we faced.

3. He might as well, I mean blames the players, blame the fans as well. Why take accountability? While your at it why not have a coach call the players a cancer? I would think as a parent I would look at that much more than a banner. A banner to me is rouge fans, a coach calling players a cancer is not someone I would intrust my son and his career with, but why worry about the staffs indiscretions when it is easy to point at fans as the issue, not the root cause.

4. I think the fans have the right to do what they want, and I think recruits, families, and others will realize it is a small group that organized it. However, if it helps to get needed changes done, so be it I guess. Let me ask you though, have you ever in your life booed anyone? Look deep down inside and be honest!

I don't understand why people are so afraid of losing Richt when he is being counterproductive (stubborn in his refusal to adapt or change) to the program. Yes, he seems like a great guy, and it would be nice to have him associated with the school, but he is not at UGA for a reason, and we have seen it first hand this year. Do you want to go another decade wondering why we keep hoping to only compete for the coastal?
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