Off-Topic Arkansas Razorba—- er Pigs

Dam boys, I hunted hawgs in Arkansaw won time… bigest dam pig u ever seen. Shot him rite in da ***. Ruint a purfictly gud ham.
Sun I ain’t tawkin hawgzilla. Ize jus sayin I busted a big boy in Ark. now u gone need a higher caluber to shoot a Gawja hawg. Granny Hawkins uses a 300 win mag… sum say dats overkill…i says all dat tawks wirth doodlysquat!
Would your comment be the same if the victim were a male AA? What was your opinion watching an officer grind his knee into George Floyds neck until he died. I am not making it racial but interested in the thought and rationale dynamics.
That didn't take long! Thanks for not disappointing! Also, love the "I am not making it racial" line in there, well done................:snoopfacepalm:
The Floyd situation was terrible all around. He was on alot of drugs which made it hard to restrain him but like you i dont think the cop should have had his knee on that mans neck like that. Hard to watch.

IIRC, Floyd didn't get resistant until they tried to throw Him in the back of the police cruiser, He was totally compliant before that. This guy from Arkansas on the other hand, physically assaulted a cop (according to the cops) from jump, and walked away with His life, two very different situations.
IIRC, Floyd didn't get resistant until they tried to throw Him in the back of the police cruiser, He was totally compliant before that. This guy from Arkansas on the other hand, physically assaulted a cop (according to the cops) from jump, and walked away with His life, two very different situations.
In neither case was smashing their head on the ground or kneeling on their neck with their full weight even remotely justified.

I understand cops have to deal with non-compliant, even violent people, but they're supposed to be trained to deal with that without abusing them.
In neither case was smashing their head on the ground or kneeling on their neck with their full weight even remotely justified.

I understand cops have to deal with non-compliant, even violent people, but they're supposed to be trained to deal with that without abusing them.

"Remotely justified"? Where in America can you put your hands on a cop, regardless of race, and a beat down doesn't commence? Here's footage of the guy walking out of jail, not a single scratch on his face:

"Remotely justified"? Where in America can you put your hands on a cop, regardless of race, and a beat down doesn't commence? Here's footage of the guy walking out of jail, not a single scratch on his face:

I get that a beat down will commence, but not trying to fracture someone's skull or crush their spine.
"Remotely justified"? Where in America can you put your hands on a cop, regardless of race, and a beat down doesn't commence? Here's footage of the guy walking out of jail, not a single scratch on his face:

They are given plenty of tools to subdue people without slamming heads into concrete and possibly killing the guy.

No one is saying they cant use force.
Just another example of how not everyone is suited to be a LEO. These guys seem to not have it in them to restrain themselves. Just hate how all the bad ones get the full national press treatment, and all the good ones are swept under the rug and may only be touted in a small article on the back page of their local newspaper.
As a cyclist, I am outraged at the treatment this Mang received at the hands, and feat, of the police. Cyclist deserve to be treated with the same respect by the police as people who drive motor vehicles.

My guess is that he will have a much more expensive bicycle in the near future.
****, he will probably have a Mercedes instead with an expensive bike hanging off the back.
Just letting you know we dont view it different if its a black person. Dont understand where that thought comes from.

The Floyd situation was terrible all around. He was on alot of drugs which made it hard to restrain him but like you i dont think the cop should have had his knee on that mans neck like that. Hard to watch.
Probably has something to do with the sprint by the media to vilify the victim. Or like you did when Breonna Taylor was brought up, or your excuse making right here in this post.
Understood, but anything goes when you physically assault a cop, especially with 2 other cops around. This man's lucky to be alive.
I think we all can understand its going to be physical after a guy assaults a cop but that doesn't give cops the right to slam peoples heads into concrete or punch them 30 times.
Would your comment be the same if the victim were a male AA? What was your opinion watching an officer grind his knee into George Floyds neck until he died. I am not making it racial but interested in the thought and rationale dynamics.
Not all cops are good- they are just people like you and I. Some good some bad
George Floyd was not a great person keep propping him up as your role model

Of course you aren’t trying to make it racial…you can’t help it you are just wired and predisposed to make it so. Get new glasses we would be better off as a society