Are we Ranked on Tuesday???

I don't want to be ranked until we prove we can stay ranked!

This! Remember that phony 7th ranking? Then Golden Showers sh*t the bed at the Doak and we lost Duke for the year?

No thanks. Rank comes with beating the top teams.

Do you remember what fat Al's message to the team in terms of our #7 ranking the whole week leading up to FSU?

Does anyone remember? I'm talking extra bonus points for getting this right.

Not caught up in being #1 ?

That is INCORRECT!!!

fk me...I guess I'm glad I don't remember anything that fat fvck tried to spew
This! Remember that phony 7th ranking? Then Golden Showers sh*t the bed at the Doak and we lost Duke for the year?

No thanks. Rank comes with beating the top teams.

Do you remember what fat Al's message to the team in terms of our #7 ranking the whole week leading up to FSU?

Does anyone remember? I'm talking extra bonus points for getting this right.

Not caught up in being #1 ?

That is INCORRECT!!!

fk me...I guess I'm glad I don't remember anything that fat fvck tried to spew

The correct answer is.......... Don't take the cheese!
Who cares? Freshman instead of experienced upperclassmen at the LB position and razor-thin depth at that position. An OL that is still questionable, with valued recruits like St. Louis giving a so-so performance against FAMU according to reports on this site. A defensive backfield that showed some flaws against FAMU. What will happen against D-1 teams? Richt is a fine coach, but he has to build his own team with players capable of doing what he wants. Be reasonable and give him time. 8-4 would be a success, but 7-5 is just as likely. The good feeling about Richt is justified, but let's not get giddy about this year's potential. Beating App. State would be a step forward, but is by no means assured. I'm not trolling. Just being realistic.
We should swap places with Florida, but don't think they would do that. I think we're unranked this week. Then if a 20-25 team loses next week we will be in.

If we cream app state then we'll be in the teens after Tennessee playing like dog **** against them
After watching ND have 50 laid on it by UT, I think we can, not necessarily will, beat every team on our schedule. We have a QB, an attacking dline(finally!!!!!), and a decent HC who hopefully has a old school Miami chip on his fired *** shoulders. Clearly our depth issues can sink us badly but we have tons to be excited about and no reason to not have high expectations. I did note that our sideline(coaches) looked better than is has in a dozen years. "All Miami needs is a good coach." That was Howard's prophetic statement when he took this job. Is Mark great, probably not. Is he good, absolutely! Unless we loose, we remain undefeated.
Whatever our personal preferences may be - pre season rankings are all about bias which we don't seem to ever benefit from anymore. I wouldn't mind some benefit of the doubt even if it only means making sports center more often. Besides that, everyone loves to talk about recruiting around here and being ranked matters. I want to be ranked.
Were goin undefeated. We have a real coaching staff. We won 9 games with Shannon and Golden, with those coaching staffs. Now we got guys that are the best in thr buisness. We have proven in the NFL miami still has had elite talent. We have also had the NFL prove miami has not had coaches. Were back. We dont have elite depth, but were ******* Miami and for the 1st time in more then a decade we have real coaches. Elite coaches at that. Combine elite coaches with sofla talent and you get undefeated teams.
Were goin undefeated. We have a real coaching staff. We won 9 games with Shannon and Golden, with those coaching staffs. Now we got guys that are the best in thr buisness. We have proven in the NFL miami still has had elite talent. We have also had the NFL prove miami has not had coaches. Were back. We dont have elite depth, but were ****ing Miami and for the 1st time in more then a decade we have real coaches. Elite coaches at that. Combine elite coaches with sofla talent and you get undefeated teams.

we losing no way we go unbeaten
No. Had Texas not won last night, we would have been. UCLA, USC, UNC all fall out, Tex, Wisky, Tex A&M are all in.

We shouldnt its famu didnt golden drop 77 on these dudes

That was Savannah State. I don't think we get ranked until at least beating Appy State, maybe not until GT...all depends on who loses ahead of us since we aren't playing anyone ranked until FSU.
It's all about ratings.. We will be ranked after beating app and them move up after beating gt for no reason just so ABC or espn can say there's a top matchup between us and fsu the next week

We shouldnt its famu didnt golden drop 77 on these dudes

That was Savannah State. I don't think we get ranked until at least beating Appy State, maybe not until GT...all depends on who loses ahead of us since we aren't playing anyone ranked until FSU.
It's all about ratings.. We will be ranked after beating app and them move up after beating gt for no reason just so ABC or espn can say there's a top matchup between us and fsu the next week

Beating app and gt isn't "for no reason", but let's not put the cart before the horse.
UCLA won't be ranked. They were 16 and loss to an unranked team and didn't look well either

I don't think so. USC out, Wisconsin in. UCLA probably 25, A&M in. UNC out. And depending how things go, Texas might bump someone. We probably stay in the same spot.