April 16th Clemson Game 1 (Orange vs Orange)

This is such a big inning for so many reasons. We needed to get on board first in this game. But this kids pitch count may be in the 60’s by the time this inning is over.
Said this last week: Pitelli has some of the fastest hands I have seen at the college level

Young man is already a big league middle infielder at 18/19 years old
This is what we stink at:

putting zeros up after scoring innings. Our rotation/bullpen is simply not good enough for us to do this
So much movement on Rosario's fastball, the umpire got fooled calling a ball that moved over the meat of the plate thst shoild have been a strike. No damage done as Rosario strikes the batter out anyway.
This is what we stink at:

putting zeros up after scoring innings. Our rotation/bullpen is simply not good enough for us to do this
I was just gna post this. The shut down inning seems to always allude them. Would have been nice to get one there. But I gotta say pitelli makes some slick plays over at SS