Apr 23 at North Carolina Doubleheader 3pm/6:30pm ACCNX

You know how every year we have the same group telling us to quit being so negative because "it's early" and "this is a new season"? And we try to tell them that nothing has gotten better, and this year will be just like all the others?

Well here we are. Just like we said.
You know how every year we have the same group telling us to quit being so negative because "it's early" and "this is a new season"? And we try to tell them that nothing has gotten better, and this year will be just like all the others?

Well here we are. Just like we said.
I’ve been begging for a UM sports team to get better as season progresses... any sport, I don’t care what it is. We have seen it one time in 20 years. 2016 football team.

I have watched Miami baseball teams get worse as the season progresses for 10+ years. Have no idea why I take it as seriously as I do. Program is in shambles with no hope in sight
ADC isn’t very good. I’m not sure what’s up but I’ve never seen a supposed great hitter foul off so many good pitches to hit. Very frustrating. His brother is a better hitter.
His freshman year he was mashing those pitches. Development is non existent at Miami