Anyone who goes to home games ia a F'ing Traitor


May 28, 2012
I don't even care if your kid is on the team or if you are a member of media covering the team.

This administration has no sense of institutional pride. They are allowing the program to be embarrassed week after week, just to save a few buck. The UM tradition is worth more than Al's measly contract. So let's hit them where it hurts and take away what the care about the most:

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STOP with your juvenile advice. The people who go to home games are the 'heart & soul' of the Canes fan base. Believe me, it's over after today's embarrassment with many of those who were there (we left at half) who have been season ticket holders for many years.
STOP with your juvenile advice. The people who go to home games are the 'heart & soul' of the Canes fan base. Believe me, it's over after today's embarrassment with many of those who were there (we left at half) who have been season ticket holders for many years.

heart and soul that continues to spend money for the bots keep thinking that you fcking ******. So what you left at half time you already spent your money wow some people are retarded
STOP with your juvenile advice. The people who go to home games are the 'heart & soul' of the Canes fan base. Believe me, it's over after today's embarrassment with many of those who were there (we left at half) who have been season ticket holders for many years.

Stop it. My family has had tickets since 1952 I gave up the tickets after last season because of Al Golden people who want the best for the program are the heart and soul of the program people who aren't going to the games to show their displeasure with the direction of the program and with Golden are the heart and soul of the program

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STOP with your juvenile advice. The people who go to home games are the 'heart & soul' of the Canes fan base. Believe me, it's over after today's embarrassment with many of those who were there (we left at half) who have been season ticket holders for many years.

Yea, guess that's why Winslow & McGahee etc were at the game today. Everyone knows it's over for Golden. Sorry your pink panties are in a wad.
cant believe people go to da games, blind leading the blind. u have to make a statement by not going man wtf is wrong with some of u people. so ur wife fkin on da side n u see it every week u gun sleep in da same bed?
Not surprised that the light bulb hasn't gone off in these people's heads... this is the same fan base that gladly gave Fraulden another chance for the 2015 season.

They will always be way late to trends.
Yea, guess that's why Winslow & McGahee etc were at the game today. Everyone knows it's over for Golden. Sorry your pink panties are in a wad.

they get in free dumb *** they don't have to pay for tickets so the bots don't make money off them
As a UM Alumni, and season ticket holder from 02-14. When they called to see to renew, I said when they Fire Al Golden I'll get season tickets
I go to the games. I'll go to the final two home games and I made two roaders this year.

When it was 21-0 today the guy seated next to me was rooting for Clemson turnovers. I laughed and told him the game had no chance of being competitive, that the only variable in play was whether or not it would eclipse Virginia's 48-0 rout in 2007.

I spent the entire second half rooting in that direction. This dump stadium deserves that all-time record for futility and the memory of the Orange Bowl deserved a reprieve.

Those huge trestles are already piled up on the west side of the property in the grass parking area. Next year's patchwork roof. What a joke. I was imagining the new state of the art stadiums built from scratch and how much those engineers would howl at the sight of those trestles. This stadium is a disaster. I'll continue with my belief that neither Miami football occupant will ever win anything of consequence as long as it's the home venue. The Bills also wrote some new records in their embarrassment of the Dolphins in the home opener several weeks ago.