Anyone hear anything on this?

Richt requests to quit but wants a high buyout. Then he is not quitting the man just wants a golden parachute.
There's a small chance this scenario could happen. Richt straight up almost cried after some losses this season and looked like a broken man at the presser after the Wisky game. Richt came here to win big and easy within a few seasons, not to be 7-6 in year three and looking at his worst season ever. He may just want to cut his losses.
1. Fire his son and his friends.
2. Go 5-7 and get fired.
3. Take some money and leave with dignity.

Richt has an easy choice here. I hope he’s got enough sense to just hang em up. It’s like watching a once decent boxer climb into the ring at 65 and get pummeled.

If none of these, all we can really hope for is that he drops dead.
furman the source? No chance any of this is true, especially the quit/buyout gaf... doesnt make sense? If he quits, why would they pay him a buy out?
NY asked me if this was personal to me.

Yes it is personal to me as I’m sure it is to any true Cane fan on here.Hes destroying the program and if that doesn’t hurt you to the core then you need to find another team to root for.

I’ve been following this team for 60 years.Longer than the majority of you on here have been around.Ive used those 2 for 1 coupons from Burger King to go to games.Ive been in the Orange Bowl when the program was so bad they thought about dropping down to 1AA.But yet I never wavered in my love for the Canes.

I’ve been through more ups and downs with this program than I care to count and I’m not sure I’ve ever been more disgusted with it’s direction or wondered if it would ever be relevant again to the point I am now.

Is it personal to me? You bet your *** it is.And it will continue to be personal until our idiot AD grows a set and fires Mork and his Merry ban of fools and gets someone in here to run the program that cares as much or more about winning than he does stroking his own ego and keeping his non qualified son employed.

So I hope that answers your question.Have a great New Years.
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