Anyone Else Relieved that FSU is Not 0-3?


Big Time Outsider
Jan 27, 2014
Maybe I'm just superstitious, but I just don't see the Noles losing 4 games in a row to start the season. Plus, if they'd have lost to WF, I wonder if our players would've psychologically let their guard down just a bit for this game.
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****ed up my mood watching them win. Every completion, every celebration, **** them! I cant wait for next week. That *** whoopin comin
Anyone Else Relieved that FSU is Not 0-4?

Not I'm not relieved because that means they beat us next week
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I actually agree w the first half of OP's post. I believe that FSU would have acted like a cornered animal. I don't believe the Canes let their guard down in a rivalry game
That team's beaten us the last 7 years straight. We better not let down our guard. We better be aiming to blow them out if given the chance. We shouldn't take it easy on them one bit. Fck em!
We're going to beat them because their QB is trash, their O-Line is trash, and because they shoot themselves in the foot all the time.

Jimbo is being exposed right now.

This FSU team is not even a shadow of what they once were. We're going to destroy them because they're terrible.
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The only positive for us is they’ll actually think they’re better than they are and not desperate. The media will talk them up and it’ll keep the line close, won’t even surprise me if they’re slightly favored. Keeps us grounded.

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I like that they're coming in on a high with a little confidence....Will make crushing their souls all the sweeter
They got as far as they did because Shannon let Dalvin Cook get away. Without Cook, Jimbo doesn’t get an NC, Jameis or no Jameis. The Hecht has fvcked this team up six ways from Sunday time and again more times than I can count, and Jimbo, and to a lesser extent Saban’s teams, have been the beneficiaries.

Golden’s entire tenure was a fiasco of lost recruits to Tally and disinterest from Donna and the Administration, but I think the end of Radio’s tenure was decisive in letting Jimbo run hog wild in the 305.