Any chance Cleveland Reed commits this weekend?

I hear ya, but he was at practice and someone close to him supposedly said he is thinking about pulling the be fair, here was his post:

Says he hasn't decided yet if he'll commit today or not per a message he sent us a few minutes ago but sounds like Canes in good shape regardless
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There's been buzz about it. If anybody committed this weekend it'd probably be him, but I'm not getting my hopes up right now.
Erick "Gator Emojis" Marrero swore that he's committing this weekend so we'll see

Yeah so what? Remember when Pope was suppose to a couple weekends ago....held off then committed a few weeks later. Pope even said he decided to hold off things change
CS article just posted, Reed said he "almost committed" today but wants to wait to the UA Game. Reed also said there is a "95% chance" he ends up a Cane.

So he didn't committ, but it sounded very positive. Wouldn't be a surprise even if he waits a couple weeks then makes it public like Pope did
CS article just posted, Reed said he "almost committed" today but wants to wait to the UA Game. Reed also said there is a "95% chance" he ends up a Cane.

So he didn't committ, but it sounded very positive. Wouldn't be a surprise even if he waits a couple weeks then makes it public like Pope did


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Marrero's got the situation under control. We can all rest easy now.

No Gator emoji's? Interesting...

Lol... That worked out well for us last time with Henderson. Looks like Erick is telling us that Reed's a silent. I just love silent commits....they're always reliable.

Jesus you're shook.

CJ really hurt you

Here's how I saw it as I wrote it:

The CJ reference was to Marrero tweeting gator emojis at him and the kid ended up going to UiF. That's been joked about before on here.

The other part of what I said is basically that silent commits are bullshît (unless the name is Blades.).

I'm not sure what's so scandalous about what I said or how that makes me shook. Do you trust silent commits?
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He's a Cane. Just let him have his 15 minutes at the UA game.

Ok. When is that game? If it's in January of 2018 then all I can do is hope for the best but that's a long way off on a silent. Besides, open commits produce Gayturd tears and that's half the fun right now.
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