2023 Anthony Hill, 2023 LB (Denton Ryan HS in TX)

How does this happen so frequently. I mean Mario keeps a tight ship so the fact that this still gets out means someone inside must be blabbing.

For those who say "oh big deal" which I know there arent many. Maybe he wanted to keep this silent so he could enjoy the visit, not get bugged and unlike some other prospects truly shock the world next week...

you twitter guys should destroy these people if it goes south.
if it was going to be an official, then I'm pretty sure mario thought we had a good chance anyways since we don't have any of those to waste
Didn’t he visit on an official in April? Or was that an UV?
Rivals smh….
Yep. People who know has been sitting on this one for awhile. **** shame our media continues to do this.
If it’s been in the works for a minute, is it naïve to find some solace in the sense that it’s so late in the process? I mean it was leaked 20 min ago, and if he’s committing on the 21st, he’d have to visit this weekend. Hoping the plans won’t be dropped because they (media) found out last minute?

**** he could be in Miami rn for all we know? But that’s just wishful thinking.