Another list..possibly (Mark Richt)


Nov 19, 2012
From an article....

Mark Richt has a tie to Miami as he played quarterback for the Hurricanes from 1979 and 1982. Richt is the head coach at Georgia, but they seem to be looking for some change in Athens, and Coral Gables could be a place Richt wants to go to, especially since it’s his alma mater. I heard that Richt would’ve had some interest in the Miami job if/when it became available, and it’s available as of Sunday night. Whether Miami will be able to pay Richt or not is the big question, and it’ll be the question with a lot of the coaching candidates.
Richt likes to lose to teams he shouldn't. He likes to not show up to big games. He fits in with what we like to hire recently.
sorry for being completely ignorant ( I stand by my excuse of being born in ’91). I had no idea that Mark Richt played QB for Miami. That’s interesting. very concerning that he always seems to underperform expectations in Athens however
He's a very good coach , he just loses 1 or 2 games a year that leaves you scratching your head
**** NO.......I work with a die hard Georgia fan.....he loves Richt....I tell him all the time....if you are happy with winning 8-9 games a season and not competing for championships....he is your guy.........
In my eyes Richt always develops talent well and does the best he can do with Georgia. Lets remember that before him Georgia was relevant back in the mid 60s to mid 80s with Vince Dooley, who had a winning percentage of .715. Mark Richts winning percentage with Georgia is .738. Georgia is a good school but it constantly has to fight so much competition to get it's kids. Much more competition than Miami ever faces.
I involuntarily made the exact face to richt that I do to Schiano.

Rather roll the dice with up and comers.
Miami needs an ambitious coach who doesn't want to be the Head Coach of the Hurricanes for life.
Mark is a good guy and better coach than Al BUT we will be flying banners in three years after he loses the game that matter each year. I think we need someone a little nastier-- just to put up with us!