Another darn philosophy post........


Sep 29, 2014
People need to understand that its not just offense, defense, or special teams. Its the mentality/philosophy of our coaching.

We can never play a complete game on all sides of the ball, even against bad teams. There will always be some glaring holes and mistakes that will allow someone to question the coaching on AT LEAST one side of the ball.

How many times has our defense(rare as it is) made a game changing play only to have the offense give the ball right back?

how many times has our offense taken the lead only to have our defense give it right back?

And its not all about xs and os. a lot of the time the drive killers are stupid penalties and mental errors.

Its like Golden has a bad aura or energy surrounding him at Um and he can't get over the hump.

But most likely, it his coaching. his bend but don't break, read and react, excuses, and spineless coaching philosophy is seeping into the program like a symbiot looking to devour a host from the inside out.

The guy is becoming a cancer and no change of coordinators is going to help him here.

He is in over his head and too arrogant to ever admit it.

This man created a 300 page binder to success and has not been successful on any level yet.

How can you create a map to a land you've never been to?

we should have seen this coming from the jump..

But we decided to "trust the process" and "stay the course" as well as "buy in" and stop "freelancing"

what a joke. CLEAN HOUSE@@
I sense loads of sarcasm here. but i dont mind if it is or isnt. Everyone is frustrated with the state of the U. We all want that "swag" back.
Like I said before. Golden and Co. Are just as bad at coaching in the off season as they are on Gameday. Penalties, poor tacking, poor strength and conditioning. No faith in this staff.
Like I said before. Golden and Co. Are just as bad at coaching in the off season as they are on Gameday. Penalties, poor tacking, poor strength and conditioning. No faith in this staff.

agreed, first i thought it was just a coordinator thing.

Then i realized its bigger than that. Regardless of coordinators we always fuggin up a good thing. Thats coaching. i feel you bro!
I think everybody agrees that the team just does not look prepared when they run up against adversity. And when it comes, they seem to have no idea how to adapt or counter it. That is the most frustrating thing about watching this team. They have one plan and if it works, swell. If not, well then goshdarnit, they're gonna keep doing it until it does work.
