An attempt at a careful post re: Schiano


Retired staff
Nov 3, 2011
As expected, the VAST majority of posters here (and elsewhere) do not want Greg Schiano here as HC. I happen to agree, mainly because I simply think there are better candidates on the board. That said, the level of venom levied against him begs the question - why does he warrant such Cristobal-ian vitriol? From the little I know, he's a great defensive mind, he built a crap college program from nothing and maintained it for a good number of years, and he has experience as an NFL head coach (albeit a failed one.)

Again, this is NOT an endorsement of Schiano as head coach and I'd like to keep the discussion open but focused if possible. Why is he so terrible a candidate?
Schiano would be head and shoulders above Cristobal. That being said, I think there are bigger fish to go after in this search. A lot of the negatives surrounding Schiano stem from him as a leader - mainly being that he rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way and may be tough to work with. So with that being the industry rumor and also with our tendency to not pay assistants very well, he may struggle to bring in as good of a staff as some of the other candidates.
As expected, the VAST majority of posters here (and elsewhere) do not want Greg Schiano here as HC. I happen to agree, mainly because I simply think there are better candidates on the board. That said, the level of venom levied against him begs the question - why does he warrant such Cristobal-ian vitriol? From the little I know, he's a great defensive mind, he built a crap college program from nothing and maintained it for a good number of years, and he has experience as an NFL head coach (albeit a failed one.)

Again, this is NOT an endorsement of Schiano as head coach and I'd like to keep the discussion open but focused if possible. Why is he so terrible a candidate?

You answered your own question ghost. Schiano is a hallmark JAG. Thats the point. He had one memorable year at Rutgers. Maybe he would be a decent coordinator but not a head coach at Miami.
Fair points, but if I can play Devil's Advocate for a moment Mullen is supposedly notoriously hard to work with as well. As far as assistant money, I would hope that whoever gets the nod has the financial backing to go after whomever they want as coordinators. The fact that Mullen is back in the conversation leads me to believe that we have more money to go around this time (since that was supposedly one of his main turn-offs last time.)
I believe some feel its better candidates avail and some are on the BBB campaign and hates anybody not named Butch. IMO there are better candidates avail but that dont necessary qualify him as a bad candidate.
As expected, the VAST majority of posters here (and elsewhere) do not want Greg Schiano here as HC. I happen to agree, mainly because I simply think there are better candidates on the board. That said, the level of venom levied against him begs the question - why does he warrant such Cristobal-ian vitriol? From the little I know, he's a great defensive mind, he built a crap college program from nothing and maintained it for a good number of years, and he has experience as an NFL head coach (albeit a failed one.)

Again, this is NOT an endorsement of Schiano as head coach and I'd like to keep the discussion open but focused if possible. Why is he so terrible a candidate?

Because if UM, VT and BC never left the Big East this clown would have never won more than 8 games a season at best, and would probably have lost his job by 2008. He got to play UCONN and USF for 6 years instead of UM and VT. He then scheduled 4 ooc cupcakes every year. His best season was 2006, NINE years ago which is basically no different than 2000 at this point.

On top of that misleading resume, he's a terrible human being who no one who has ever played for liked, including his time at UM. He gives you no recruiting edge and
As expected, the VAST majority of posters here (and elsewhere) do not want Greg Schiano here as HC. I happen to agree, mainly because I simply think there are better candidates on the board. That said, the level of venom levied against him begs the question - why does he warrant such Cristobal-ian vitriol? From the little I know, he's a great defensive mind, he built a crap college program from nothing and maintained it for a good number of years, and he has experience as an NFL head coach (albeit a failed one.)

Again, this is NOT an endorsement of Schiano as head coach and I'd like to keep the discussion open but focused if possible. Why is he so terrible a candidate?

So, I don't fully get it either. He's not my first choice, but the guy is pretty well respected by Belichick which is as solid an endorsement as there is.
For me, our coaching search is a comparative situation, which is why I strongly do no want Schiano. If we have Butch in the bag and Richt and Mullen are showing interest, why hire Schiano? I think those coaches are head and shoulders above Schiano. He shouldn't even be in the conversation.
His record indicates he's an average coach who is terrible in conference games.

Just like Golden.
The negativity surrounding his time in Tampa it what bothers me. The MRSA outbreak (not that its his fault..right?) and the players mutiny against him. They said it was like being in Cuba and it was pure misery. The guy lost control quick. I understand failing in the NFL.. but what he did in Tampa went way beyond failing.

Everyone there hated him with a passion.
Have heard his wife hates it here and would rather be in NJ. That's why I was somewhat surprised he wanted an interview for this job. Don't think he'd be a big improvement over Golden even though the defense would be better.
He is Al Golden 2.0 as a HC

28-48 record in the big east (8-13 in his last three seasons in the big east)
Never finish first in the conference
Only one season with double digit wins and a top 25 finish
His offenses without ray rice was junk (2011: ranked 99th, 2010: ranked 114, 2009: ranked 97)
He was a terrible HC with the Bucs (11-21)