Confirmed Alonzo Highsmith (joining Miami staff, 5.25 update)

And that’s my wasn’t that started under manny..and idk the backstory. Like I said there’s always 2 sides. But I know for a fact SOME former guys have direct contact with some the staff and players

No it didn’t start w manny. It started long before.

Of course they have contact. They all have telephones. That’s not what they’re asking for tho.
You know what I've got in store when the time comes.

Brag Ric Flair GIF by WWE
I've always enjoyed this:
Theres been a slew of former players on the YT circuit talking about this. They aren’t allowed on sidelines or practice except at a distance. They are allowed in the facilities at times, but only with an escort… which is an obvious insult.

They are made to feel unwelcome. This isn’t necessarily just a manny thing either. Blake has not wanted them around at all.
Same thing happened with Golden. He plead the former players to come back - he quickly retracted that offer as a 'distraction' when they sniffed out what a fraud he was and were vocal about it.

I suspect the same thing has happened with Diaz.
Same thing happened with Golden. He plead the former players to come back - he quickly retracted that offer as a 'distraction' when they sniffed out what a fraud he was and were vocal about it.

I suspect the same thing has happened with Diaz.
According to I think Lamaar Thomas, Blake didn’t want former players lurking around, so that’s where it started. I’m sure you’re right that Al went even further when he realized he’d be found out.

Richt wanted the former players, and told Blake to F off….. then manny got the job and now security follows hall of fame players around the building built on their backs
Do you know where the money for that would come from, don’t you?
They don't, that's the problem.

This is the problem with the Miami fanbase, arguably the cheapest in major college athletics. They want the school to spend like OU, Alabama and other huge state schools, but they won't put a dime into it. If Miami insists on managing the athletic department like the huge factory schools, they will lose to those same state schools. Miami has to be an insurgent program, led by an AD that knows how to engage in unconventional warfare. That means that Miami utilizes the revenue available, and maximizes every dime that comes in. That means making intelligent hires, not overextending themselves in regards to contracts and also being aggressive in finding new revenue opportunities. Blake James isn't that kind of AD, and that is why he has to go.

Guess what? Hiring Alonzo Highsmith or Gino Torretta is exactly what a school like Alabama would do, because they don't need a professional AD(although they have one in Greg Byrne), the money raises itself, you just need someone in charge that the donors like. Miami on the other hand needs an intelligent, experienced AD that has experience dealing with budgetary issues, that has an eye for coaching and administrative talent. That is what made Sam great. That is what a guy like Danny White would have been, and Miami refused to do what needed to be done to bring him in.
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And that’s my wasn’t that started under manny..and idk the backstory. Like I said there’s always 2 sides. But I know for a fact SOME former guys have direct contact with some the staff and players
Of course they do. Anyone who suggested otherwise doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Same thing happened with Golden. He plead the former players to come back - he quickly retracted that offer as a 'distraction' when they sniffed out what a fraud he was and were vocal about it.

I suspect the same thing has happened with Diaz.

Sometimes that can be a distraction when coaches are trying address things in the game... too many voices
They don't, that's the problem.

This is the problem with the Miami fanbase, arguably the cheapest in major college athletics. They want the school to spend like OU, Alabama and other huge state schools, but they won't put a dime into it. If Miami insists on managing the athletic department like the huge factory schools, they will lose to those same state schools. Miami has to be an insurgent program, led by an AD that knows how to engage in unconventional warfare. That means that Miami utilizes the revenue available, and maximizes every dime that comes in. That means making intelligent hires, not overextending themselves in regards to contracts and also being aggressive in finding new revenue opportunities. Blake James isn't that kind of AD, and that is why he has to go.

Guess what? Hiring Alonzo Highsmith or Gino Torretta is exactly what a school like Alabama would do, because they don't need a professional AD(although they have one in Greg Byrne), the money raises itself, you just need someone in charge that the donors like. Miami on the other hand needs an intelligent, experienced AD that has experience dealing with budgetary issues, that has an eye for coaching and administrative talent. That is what made Sam great. That is what a guy like Danny White would have been, and Miami refused to do what needed to be done to bring him in.
I don’t disagree with you. Miami would do well to operate with unconventional tactics. At the same time tho there’s a lot more money out there… conference cash, shoe deals etc. It’s disingenuous to pretend that an investment in the football program won’t yield a profit. Theres a reason they’re now using the football logo for the entire institution.

The good news is that one of the biggest problems this program has doesn’t really cost much to fix. A culture of accountability and competition doesn’t require a new building. ****, manny could still do it if he wanted.
I don’t disagree with you. Miami would do well to operate with unconventional tactics. At the same time tho there’s a lot more money out there… conference cash, shoe deals etc. It’s disingenuous to pretend that an investment in the football program won’t yield a profit. Theres a reason they’re now using the football logo for the entire institution.

The good news is that one of the biggest problems this program has doesn’t really cost much to fix. A culture of accountability and competition doesn’t require a new building. ****, manny could still do it if he wanted.
Yes, Miami can and should be aggressive in regards to looking for new opportunities(Miami was out in front in regards to NLI and that's something the office should be proud of). That said, Miami will ALWAYS be at a huge disadvantage in regards to revenue. Keep in mind, schools like Alabama, Ohio State and others produce more potential alumni donors in one year than Miami does in 4. Never mind the fact that as we've seen time and time again, our non alum fans refuse to put the kind of effort and money into the program than similarly situated fans of other institutions do.

I have a friend that works in sports marketing, and a couple of years back, he went to a game with me. He isn't a Miami alum, and he noted that he could see why Nike tried to low ball Miami. When I asked why, he said "You guys have been with Adidas for years, and all I see are fans walking around in Nike gear, gear from the 2001-2006 years. That means that a lot of these people haven't upgraded their gear in well over a decade. Nike knows that the Miami fans won't spend on apparel like they should, and felt really comfortable giving Miami a bad deal as a result". Now, when I go to tailgates at other schools, I notice those things and even at schools like ASU and U of Arizona, where they don't win a **** thing, people upgrade their gear and apparel. People are willing to spend money on those things, which indirectly helps the school. It's those little things that our fanbase refuses to do that makes it even tougher for Miami to compete. That said, with a better product, maybe some people would buy a current jersey, but when people are willing to sit on gear for well over a decade, despite having success in other sports(and that apparel never sold. Miami basketball apparel was a rumor, Nike and Adidas makes very little of it because it never sells), it's tough.
Yes, Miami can and should be aggressive in regards to looking for new opportunities(Miami was out in front in regards to NLI and that's something the office should be proud of). That said, Miami will ALWAYS be at a huge disadvantage in regards to revenue. Keep in mind, schools like Alabama, Ohio State and others produce more potential alumni donors in one year than Miami does in 4. Never mind the fact that as we've seen time and time again, our non alum fans refuse to put the kind of effort and money into the program than similarly situated fans of other institutions do.

I have a friend that works in sports marketing, and a couple of years back, he went to a game with me. He isn't a Miami alum, and he noted that he could see why Nike tried to low ball Miami. When I asked why, he said "You guys have been with Adidas for years, and all I see are fans walking around in Nike gear, gear from the 2001-2006 years. That means that a lot of these people haven't upgraded their gear in well over a decade. Nike knows that the Miami fans won't spend on apparel like they should, and felt really comfortable giving Miami a bad deal as a result". Now, when I go to tailgates at other schools, I notice those things and even at schools like ASU and U of Arizona, where they don't win a **** thing, people upgrade their gear and apparel. People are willing to spend money on those things, which indirectly helps the school. It's those little things that our fanbase refuses to do that makes it even tougher for Miami to compete. That said, with a better product, maybe some people would buy a current jersey, but when people are willing to sit on gear for well over a decade, despite having success in other sports(and that apparel never sold. Miami basketball apparel was a rumor, Nike and Adidas makes very little of it because it never sells), it's tough.
I wear my 2001-2005 Nike apparel because that’s when we were last good. When the university starts taking football seriously and winning again, I’ll go and spend the cash to upgrade.
I wear my 2001-2005 Nike apparel because that’s when we were last good. When the university starts taking football seriously and winning again, I’ll go and spend the cash to upgrade.
Then don't be shocked when Miami gets lowballed by apparel companies, putting them further behind in regards to revenue. I get being frustrated by this product, by checking out now, especially after they made a hire that shouldn't have been made in the first place, but Miami fans checked out the moment the winning at a high level stopped. Even when Alabama was mediocre for the better part of two decades, their fans kept spending on the program, kept supporting it, making it possible for the powers that be to justify backing up a Brinks truck to Nick Saban's house. Even Notre Dame, a school with similar challenges as us has sidewalk alumni that support the program, even when they were going 3-9.

That revenue matters, and Miami fans fail to understand that. This is why Miami has to have a unique AD that understands how to get the most out of the revenue available, because we can't count on our fanbase to help in any way whatsoever. One bad hire cripples us for a decade, compared to a school where the fans and alumni are active and dedicated.
Can we just hire him & get it over with already?

What do we need to keep Snake James around for?

And I’m not even in favor of hiring ZO as AD, but it’s beyond obvious he’s the next guy once Snake is gone, so what’s the hold up?
Can we just hire him & get it over with already?

What do we need to keep Snake James around for?

And I’m not even in favor of hiring ZO as AD, but it’s beyond obvious he’s the next guy once Snake is gone, so what’s the hold up?
Right? I don’t understand this whole idea of catering to Blake’s feelings and allowing him to find another job, be reassigned, etc. Should have been let go years ago for gods sake
Anyone know if he is being considered for a true AD role across sports, or just football?