Adidas: Create The New Speed Featuring Miami Player

I'm really not crazy about the Unis as a whole, but switching to Addidas was the right move for Miami.
Is the whole point of the speed commercial to move everything so fast that I can't tell what the **** is going on? If so, they succeeded. The only thing I remember from that commercial is the ugly moron at the end holding the camera
Adidas is going full out against Nike trying to create a younger, more updated feel. I applaud their efforts. I just can't understand y they can't create cleaner jerseys for us. I look at LB Poly jerseys, ASU's, UCLA's, and I dig them. Just not feeling what we're getting vs. what was displayed.
Adidas is going full out against Nike trying to create a younger, more updated feel. I applaud their efforts. I just can't understand y they can't create cleaner jerseys for us. I look at LB Poly jerseys, ASU's, UCLA's, and I dig them. Just not feeling what we're getting vs. what was displayed.

This is the tattoo generation. Shock value is the aim. Everything is overdone. Understatement, taste, and good design, are alien concepts.
I thought the commercial was pretty cool the first time I saw it.

As for our uniforms they look good from far away. Up close the feather design is just weird.
Adidas is going full out against Nike trying to create a younger, more updated feel. I applaud their efforts. I just can't understand y they can't create cleaner jerseys for us. I look at LB Poly jerseys, ASU's, UCLA's, and I dig them. Just not feeling what we're getting vs. what was displayed.

This is the tattoo generation. Shock value is the aim. Everything is overdone. Understatement, taste, and good design, are alien concepts.

Adidas is going full out against Nike trying to create a younger, more updated feel. I applaud their efforts. I just can't understand y they can't create cleaner jerseys for us. I look at LB Poly jerseys, ASU's, UCLA's, and I dig them. Just not feeling what we're getting vs. what was displayed.

This is the tattoo generation. Shock value is the aim. Everything is overdone. Understatement, taste, and good design, are alien concepts.


yep, just walk into a shoe store these days. They have shoes with 10 colors on them. It's the new way.
I thought the commercial was pretty cool the first time I saw it.

As for our uniforms they look good from far away. Up close the feather design is just weird.

ASU and UCLA's unis are clean....just don't know why they went so flamboyant with us. We have one of the most simple designs. I don't mind a black uni as an alt...but the melted plastic, the criss cross striped pants, the font, and the name Miami on the front....I just don't like at all.