According to 247...


Aug 14, 2015
Last Year's class had 10 4-star guys and 9 3-star athletes with a team score of 235.05 (rank 21). Although if you remove Sam Bruce you lose a 4* and the class rank drops to 224.93 (Rank 22).

If you add McFarland, Dean and Thomas to our class, our current class would consist of 8 4-stars and 14 3-stars, with team score of 247.20 (which would be ranked 16th according to last year's finish, and would be 10th in this year's current rankings, as it stands). Although, if we don't add Thomas, the recruiting score on 247 drops to 236.89, pretty similar to last year.
who cares what they think? they had our fresh lb's as 3 stars. Ahmmon was clearly the best fresh wr in country and they prob had him ranked low.
None of our 7 freshmen starters that whupped WVU *** were 5 stars and none of them were predicted to be freshmen all Americans soooo who cares
who cares what they think? they had our fresh lb's as 3 stars. Ahmmon was clearly the best fresh wr in country and they prob had him ranked low.

Only had pickney as a 3 star. All the recruiting sites had pickney as a 3 star which is crazy.
who cares what they think? they had our fresh lb's as 3 stars. Ahmmon was clearly the best fresh wr in country and they prob had him ranked low.

I agree with you, that these numbers don't mean a whole lot. Just thought it was interesting.

We have all seen what the coaches have done with the 2016 class. They are arguably the most productive recruiting class from last year. I hope that continues to be the case. Many were underrated and I think this class also has several guys that are vastly underrated. Hopefully we can keep developing talent like we have this year.

Interestingly also, if you look at the two teams in the Natty this year, Alabama has consistently had the top class according to 247 for the past several years. Clemson, on the other hand has been in the top 20, but consistently hovered around 15 or so.
247's rankings for Miami's class were pretty good in 2016.

Richards, Shaq, Jackson, MCloud, Homer - they were all 4 Stars. Pickney was the only 3 Star guy who made a major contribution.

Year in and year out, our better players are consistently our higher rated players. So barring a very strong finish, this years class is concerning.
who cares what they think? they had our fresh lb's as 3 stars. Ahmmon was clearly the best fresh wr in country and they prob had him ranked low.

But some knew ahmon was the best he was recruited by the big dogs like he was the best
Great post. Great info. Thanks! No doubt we need to close on a few. Hope to see that overall score jump up a few points with the addition of a few more.
who cares what they think? they had our fresh lb's as 3 stars. Ahmmon was clearly the best fresh wr in country and they prob had him ranked low.

But some knew ahmon was the best he was recruited by the big dogs like he was the best

Some did and idk about 247 but on ESPN he was by far the #3 wr in their eyes and they talked about seemingly 10 wrs before him
To me,many of the teams at the U tackled and blocked like they were in danger of getting injured.
And there was some reason for that looking at Ericksen and Bratten's careers.But this year's team
maybe less talented than prior teams did a much better job of tackling especially one on one.
May be old story,not who or what you are but what you do with what you have!
Ahmon, Pikney and Shaq are 5* talents. I believe Joe Jackson is as well. Thats a better class than being given credit for.

Last year's class is better than its ranking and so far this year's class is better than its ranking. Hopefully this class will get even better before its said and done.
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Ahmmon and Jackson might as well have been 5 star recruits and you can make a case that all three freshman linebackers should have been Top 100 ranked.
Who cares. We want the dogs. Richt and staff have shown they want certain players they feel work best here and not just pack a class full of guys just to fill out the roster

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247's rankings for Miami's class were pretty good in 2016.

Richards, Shaq, Jackson, MCloud, Homer - they were all 4 Stars. Pickney was the only 3 Star guy who made a major contribution.

Year in and year out, our better players are consistently our higher rated players. So barring a very strong finish, this years class is concerning.

HI, Malek Young here 3*
Ahmon, Pikney and Shaq are 5* talents. I believe Joe Jackson is as well. Thats a better class than being given credit for.

Last year's class is better than its ranking and so far this year's class is better than its ranking. Hopefully this class will get even better before its said and done.

I agree 2016 performed way above their team ranking, but the low team ranking was in part because it was a small class of 19 players.

2015 - 22 Players, 5 were 4/5 Stars (22%)
2016 - 19 Players, 10 were 4/5 Stars (53%)
2017 - 20 Players, 5 are 4/5 Stars (25%) Need a big finish here

2016 is going to end up a great recruiting class, no question. But as of now, 2016 has as many 4/5 Star players as the 2015 & 2017 combined.

That's why closing more of our top targets is crucial this year. If we don't, there's only so far the 2016 class can carry us, because they won't get enough help from the classes before and after them.