A couple "Mope Stats" for the "slurpers"

Conversely, Louisville, Ark State and FAMU have the #107, #93 and "I couldn't even find FAMU's" ranking in total offense so far.

Maybe because UM's defense held their offenses in check.. I'm in a 3 game sample size, 1 game will carry some weight on the other teams rankings. UL will probably end up being above average. Ditto ASU once they begin Sun Belt play.

Louisville sucks.

Convenient to say.
Before the game, Petrino and UL were going run roughshod our defense. When they didn't the rhetoric was they missed Parker and Dyer.
Then when they lit up MurrayState it was that Petrino didn't need time to implement his offense.
Now it's that they suck.. GTFOH you inconsistent dweeb.
Yeah, we šhìt the bed against a mediocre/****** team. Your point is? What do you think that says about our coaches? Especially since we've got immensely more talent then those ****ers from Louisville.
As far as the Louisville game... I think we would beat them this week. To me it was the exact reason ppl said "you don't want to start a true freshman on the road". Did the play calling blow? **** yeah. Did Kaaya make some terrible throws? yes, did he make some bad reads? yes. That will only improve with more games. and I think we have already seen him progress fairly well.

However, the 1-300 on third downs is going to take more than one good game to come back from, statistically. I just think we need to hope it continues to improve. You guys all seem in such a hurry to make a judgement about the season as a whole. Is that just so you can say "I told you so!"? This week against our first quality opponent since UL we will truly see how much the offense has improved. If our O looks as bad as they did in the first game, there will be no question as to what is going to happen with this staff at seasons end. And to be honest, if they blew Neb out, I would still want to wait until the end of the season to make a judgement, because of last years collapse... So why the rush to judgment?
I was just posting some stats...many people can look at the same statistic and think different things (crazy I know)

example: Time of Possession