For Anyone That Wants to Talk About What We Can "AFFORD"


Holy ****! Fire ******* and hire this man now!!! I'd go Saban type salary to get this guy in Miami! I've heard Golden's buyout is something like $1.5-$2 million so can his ***. Strong has to know how quickly he could win in Miami and the recruiting he'd do would be ridiculous! All I'll say in Championship after Championship!

Both coaches will receive their full salary if they are fired without cause.

Based on the above ... It could be possible that AG would be due the entire remainder of his contract if he's "fired without cause". That means the number would be in the $10MM range, since his contract goes into 2019.

If so ... I'm doubtful he will be terminated. Because that would mean we would have about $5MM per year tied up in HC salaries, assuming we hire the next one at $3MM per ...
LULZ at the retards who bought the lame "UM is poor" excuse for our failures. Fcking simple rubes.
Lmao at "non profit" university.

I guess that's a $180M slush fund... A buyout would be a write off
You don't even know what a write off is

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