4 more days for a Portal WR. Tell me the good news.

Lol we’re all a bunch of crack addicts for info based on what cribby posted

“Aye…..Y’all got any mo news on dem portal WRs? I needs it bad, mane!”
You funny fam:

One - on the stadium ****

The point is to get an ON CAMPUS STADIUM
Not settle for a smaller, ****tier located stadium just because it’s closer to campus for the 10000 students and people that live in Miami that don’t ******* go to games IN MIAMI.

Why would I want to build a smaller stadium to share it’s a soccer team and get basically the same deal now WITH LESS TICKET AND CONCESSIONS. Think fam.

PLUS, we would basically forfeit scenarios of playing home game NYE Bowls at the OB like we did in 17’.

Have some sense. Act like cane the State of Miami doesn’t extend to the 954 and 561. Every **** coach been saying that since day 1 but because it’s Miami on the name that our fanbase is only allowed to be in 305. MISS ME.

2. On wanting Mas to spend MAS on NIL.

ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? We got 124249585 threads about a WR looking at a 2-3 mil payday and you think it’s a PROBLEM to open the wallet more.


Play or go home bruh.
the stadium should go downtown.
More seriously, I’d almost prefer to wait for the Marlins franchise to move out of Miami. Then take that stadium, tear it down, and rebuild THE ORANGE BOWL. And buy one original seat for the old OB from a fan and install it somewhere in the structure, so that you can say it’s really just a renovation of the original building (Ship of Thesus style).

They'd probably sell before they relocate. Doesn't seem like baseball guys are running that show.
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I am all for the NIL, it is a right, but this is way out of hand. They have to regulate this craziness. I am not looking forward to Nov. at this point and we have Ruiz.