24/7 New post

That 247 article absolutely reeks of a PR tactic by a faction of the BoT/admin and using Lakes platform as a vehicle to spread info whether to create public pressure, gauge public interest, try to box out others, counter other info like D$’s tweet etc.

The timing of it is a red flag for starters. Lakes hedging on almost every bit with phrases like I would not expect, as things stand today, it’s my sense…not to mention he admitted in the comments section that it’s just his opinion that it’s Mario or stick with Manny

The message that we won’t hire Jurich but we have strong interest from several exciting candidates just stinks like a sales pitch to the fanbase/donors.

I don’t believe that Manny will be back next year. The folks willing to die on that hill may have money, but they don’t have enough support and there are plenty of other deep pockets on the other side of the aisle.
I bought a sub over there just so I can call that little dude David out. I'll let y'all know what he says.
I’m really tired of this program and all the toxicity and mediocrity around it. I’m tired of hearing there’s new money. We haven’t seen a dime of new money put into the program, it’s all noise and propaganda. Even if they put a zillion dollars into football, if the buttchin count chocula looking beta cuck is back, they will be a 5-7 team.
Yeah we’re screwed. And hinging the decision on Mario is stupid. If he doesn’t come now with a first round quarterback he will never come!!

So fire manny and hire the best guy. Whether that’s bill Clark, lane, Kellen moore, mark stoops.

I don’t care. Manny cannot lead this program next year. We will slip further into the dark ages if he is here. And if he is and patke is anywhere near the gables we’re dead
Quite frankly, having watched his uninspiring Oregon team multiple times this season it'd be a blessing if he said no.
Please do not and copy and paste from other sites - Andrew
**** UM BOT and Frenk if this is true.

If this goes down, there better a statement from the University via Frenk retracting their reactions to Herbstreit, Cowherd and the rest of the media’s comments. This will clearly prove them right, UM could care less about putting requisite and adequate resources into the program to truly become a contender….and UM needs to just own it for all to see.
"The decision makers will only make a change from the Manny Diaz era if they are convinced the change would bring about an upgrade."

How much more convincing do they need? Another loss to FIU? Worst tackling team in the nation? How low does the bar have to be to think manny is a better option than any other FBS coach out there?
Well if they retain Manny next season will be an unmitigated disaster and recruiting for this cycle and the next will be awful. Bye bye to being competitive for the next 3-4 years.
Again if this school fires the AD for incompetence only to keep a five-loss gimmick coach who's taken the defense backwards then we'll stay mired in mediocrity. It's not the New Miami...it's just more of the same Miami...
I will believe that the school is willing to do all that they did publicly, plus fire an AD that they claimed was well-liked and was good at raising money for the school, because of the Manny's football W-L record and NOT fire him. I will spin out of control and make all kinds of dramatic declarations, once that happens.

Until then, I will continue to be skeptical that Frenk and his advisors would act in such a self-destructive way.