2014 Numbers


Feb 6, 2012
Obviously, way too early to start speculating on 2014 class numbers at this point, but what the **** --- it’s off-season.
Looks like we’ll play 2013 with 82 - 85 guys. Seventeen seniors, plus usual attrition next spring.
I guess a full class of 25, very possibly more. Of course, we can ‘back-charge’ some December EEs to the 2013 cycle, but the 85 cap is always firm.
I’m guessin’ we sign about 27 - 29, unless the NCAA hits us.
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we are at 20 initial counters for the 2013 class currently. that number will change based on who gets passed admissions. as of today, if everyone got in for 2013, we would have room for a 2014 class size of 30 with 5 EE's.
I actually was curious about our number situation so count me in the minority but I appreciate it considering all the commits we've had lately. Add the fact that we don't have a tab like some sites that list all the kids with offers, commits, and visits that makes it easier to glance and figure the number out. Instead we have to use that ****** search function and dig through threads.

So honestly every couple weeks I don't mind a reminder thread about numbers on the front page.