“Something caught up to us"


Sep 25, 2019
I keep reading all of the post game conjecture about why the Canes entire team including coaching staff did not show up on last Saturday. And Manny said it after the game "something caught up to us." And we all know what it is a variety of things of course but summed as Manny Diaz simply cannot coach on this level. If we are honest the team has been like a drunk walking home from the bar just stumbling along every once a while as he seems to be about to fall he catches himself and walks in perfect stride then suddenly seemingly out of nowhere he falls and breaks his behind. On Saturday our stumbling team fell and bust its behind, but it was always going to fall and bust its butt it was just a matter of time. Ineptitude in every form caught up with the team.
But we knew that last season as evidenced by the loss to FIU and Louisiana among other things like deciding to put an untested freshman at left tackle against a proven defensive end.. The losses to Florida and North Carolina was as much the result of mental errors along with the lack of a kicker.

His ineptitude is is evidenced by: 1) the absolute failure to discipline his team. 2) lack of accountability for mistakes and bone head plays-- notice how the receivers for a time upped their game when the coach announced all the positions were up for grabs 3) The seeming inability to help our seemingly not so football smart young people understand the mental aspect of the game of football 4) the inability to teach them the math of football-- proper angles, leverage, spacing etc. 4) the fundamentals needed to master every position, which includes on defense tackling on offense blocking and catching the football. 5) the insistence on playing lesser talented upper classmen over equally or even more talented freshmen and sophomores 6) and the insistence on using a gimmicky defense which when its figured out cannot be adjusted 6) poor preparation for what the team will actually face from opponents --the players caught on to this after the Clemson game (ultimately this undermines and destroys the confidence of a team

But what really caught up to them on Saturday was Manny's inability to understand and motivate his team. He didn't realize as most of us fans did that his team after beating Duke thought they would just show up and beat NC it sounds crazy but there is evidence in the play. He does not seem to understand the psychology of the game --why else would he wear black uniforms in the afternoon.? And why else would he allow players to talk to the press about the damned Duke game and their NFL future. A real coach would have cussed them out and told them to forget that damned game the other team was out manned and that was all.

And his inability to anticipate what the opponent may or may not do is lacking. Did his entire forget that Searles coached at the U last year or that Mack Brown is quite familiar with Manny's defense? It was like they NC had a cheat sheet. It seems that the U ought to hire someone with fresh eyes to look over their game plans because they can't see adjustments that even us fans can see need to be made.
And Lashlee's odd game plans caught up with them as well. The Canes were done with the two 3rd and three decisions to run in the first three drives of the game. Was Lashlee not aware that NC had a porous defense and that with a little imagination you could pick up three yards likely through the air? Did he not know that the Canes were going to have to score to beat Carolina, even if the defense had an above average game. Has his line been picking up third and three on the ground?

And what also caught up with him was the absolute inability or refusal to just try something anything defensively, sit on the damned counter blitz or something to at least force North Carolina to have to adjust.

And he has the nerve to say the players quit. He forced their hand by not disciplining them and not preparing them. Manny is a likeable guy but he likely never will win on a large scale because the other thing that he lacks is courage and honesty. I would be hopeful for the future if he simply said, I took a big dump on the field on Saturday put it all on me and I ask the players, staff and the fans to forgive me. I will do better. But he did not so he is right all his deficiencies caught up to him. I hope I am wrong but unless he really does some soul searching he won't last and we will be forced to suffer more indignities.
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Hey, computer geeks will steel yo bytch with that bag.

Aint you on a computer making this post? Don't say phone...
They aint stealing mine with a bag mane whoooooooo-hahhahahaha

And just because i can type and surf the interwebz, and maybe figure out email once in awhile, i would pump on the computer geek hahaha. I'm technology dumb AF

@NicKane I know you want to wallow in misery cause misery loves company......and this has been your MO since Game Zero last year, but.......🖕you too
They aint stealing mine with a bag mane whoooooooo-hahhahahaha

And just because i can type and surf the interwebz, and maybe figure out email once in awhile, i would pump on the computer geek hahaha. I'm technology dumb AF

@NicKane I know you want to wallow in misery cause misery loves company......and this has been your MO since Game Zero last year, but.......🖕you too
You’re correct sporto, that has been my MO since before game zero last year because I actually played the game and can spot a phony computer geek pretending to know the game in Diaz, just like I could spot you! Lmao now run along back to the Hecht because you failed to change the narrative here, just like your bosses Blake James and manure Diaz failed the program. But we’re not surprised as we all saw this a mile away all the way up in the sky sport. 😂🤣
You’re correct sporto, that has been my MO since before game zero last year because I actually played the game and can spot a phony computer geek pretending to know the game in Diaz, just like I could spot you! Lmao now run along back to the Hecht because you failed to change the narrative here, just like your bosses Blake James and manure Diaz failed the program. But we’re not surprised as we all saw this a mile away all the way up in the sky sport. 😂🤣View attachment 137934
I get it you played JV and you think you have a clue. Congrats. I forgot your biggest accomplishment in life was a banner that few people saw, no one cares about, but hey......you have a sweet picture bro
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I get it you played JV and you think you have a clue. Congrats. I forgot your biggest accomplishment in life was a banner that few people saw, no one cares about, but hey......you have a sweet picture bro
Played in college bro, I get you took stats for your JV highschool football team just like manure bro, now you in him have in common being computer geeks bro, stats bro, two worst defensive performances in the history of Miami and Texas bro, mentally exhausted after 2 games in five weeks bro, culture bro, Analytics bro, dream job bro and so on and so on nerd boy.
oh and btw, keep an eye out for the banner in game two following the bama massacre bro! Lmao
Played in college bro, I get you took stats for your JV highschool football team just like manure bro, now you in him have in common being computer geeks bro, stats bro, two worst defensive performances in the history of Miami and Texas bro, mentally exhausted after 2 games in five weeks bro, culture bro, Analytics bro, dream job bro and so on and so on nerd boy.
oh and btw, keep an eye out for the banner in game two following the bama massacre bro! Lmao
I can't wait to laugh at you for your next attempt at a banner....just like we laughed at your for your previous banner and your AWESOME billboard. Is Jorge still available to drive around?
I can't wait to laugh at you for your next attempt at a banner....just like we laughed at your for your previous banner and your AWESOME billboard. Is Jorge still available to drive around?
Not my billboard bro, that was @305separatist bro, fiu bro, banner flew right before that game bro, you know one of the worst losses in Miami history bro, Blake James bro, Jen SJW Strawley bro, manure Diaz bro, computer nerds bro! Lmao
Not my billboard bro, that was @305separatist bro, fiu bro, banner flew right before that game bro, you know one of the worst losses in Miami history bro, Blake James bro, Jen SJW Strawley bro, manure Diaz bro, computer nerds bro! Lmao
The funny part is didn't you donate to the billboard bro? You got grifted because you're not very smart bro.

Hey many i could care less what happens to the staff, Manny, Baker anyone....however all of you over emotional ******* posting the same over emotional ****, post after post after post after post is making a fun place just ******.

But hey misery loves company. I feel bad for you, genuinely bad.....bro
The funny part is didn't you donate to the billboard bro? You got grifted because you're not very smart bro.

Hey many i could care less what happens to the staff, Manny, Baker anyone....however all of you over emotional ******* posting the same over emotional ****, post after post after post after post is making a fun place just ******.

But hey misery loves company. I feel bad for you, genuinely bad.....bro
Sorry we’re not happy with losing to TWO group of five teams in the same season bro, sorry we’re not happy with the worst defensive performance ever in the history of Miami football bro, sorry we’re not happy with our dog$hit admin hiring another unproven DC from a failed regime bro, sorry we’re upset about having a ticket salesmen from Maine who thinks football is field hockey as our AD bro, sorry trolls like you who don’t give a **** about this program are exist bro. You enablers should be a shined of yourself bro. I genuinely feel sorry for you slurpers bro. 😂🤣
Sorry we’re not happy with losing to TWO group of five teams in the same season bro, sorry we’re not happy with the worst defensive performance ever in the history of Miami football bro, sorry we’re not happy with our dog$hit admin hiring another unproven DC from a failed regime bro, sorry we’re upset about having a ticket salesmen from Maine who thinks football is field hockey as our AD bro, sorry trolls like you who don’t give a **** about this program are exist bro. You enablers should be a shined of yourself bro. I genuinely feel sorry for you slurpers bro. 😂🤣
You think calling you out for being a whiny repetitve cnut is being a slurper. Got it now.

Have fun with your tin foil hat
hes right we are a few plays from 5 losses.
best case would be we close out the 2021 class strong, manny gets raped by saban opening day, the season goes bad and we pay up and get venables lol
Not my billboard bro, that was @305separatist bro, fiu bro, banner flew right before that game bro, you know one of the worst losses in Miami history bro, Blake James bro, Jen SJW Strawley bro, manure Diaz bro, computer nerds bro! Lmao
Preach, bro!🤣🤣🤣