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  1. T

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    its probably just a countdown. I'm upset I let myself think it might be something else for a minute
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    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

  3. T

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    @MiamiCanes812 get yo *** in here boy
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    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    welp Barry Jack saying its a real chance
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    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    People too gullible. Believe anything they read online. The Russians laughing at yall again.
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    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    do these people even know if he ever had any illinois stuff on his bio?
  7. T

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    this whole thing is fake and a big troll. lock the thread
  8. T

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    tell him to put an end to the rumors and post something.
  9. T

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    yall pouring jelly on yourselves. not happening.