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  1. Tad Footeball


    You clowns and this constant narrative about the "massive" raise your hero got at mighty Alabaga. Here are some facts: St. Luigi was hired before the 2013 season at $475k per year there. St. Luigi left there for Oregon last year while making $525k per year at Alabaga. This was NOT life...
  2. Tad Footeball


    Pal, you can use all the quotation marks you want and be overly sensitive to my hyperbolic humor but it still doesn't change the fact that CIS is FULL of Columbus bros that are extreme slurpers of St. Luigi.
  3. Tad Footeball


    I'm Catholic myself but this level of cultish protection/delusion by the CIS Columbus Crew of Luigi Slurpers almost would explain in part how the pedophile priests got away with it for so long.
  4. Tad Footeball


    The first loss in a winless streak that Luigi will surely have to a much superior coach in Shaw.