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  1. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    what is your gut telling you on this Mario situation, honestly? I want to see if I'm in the minority or not.
  2. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    1999 Jennifer Strawley was probably bad than a mf straight up.
  3. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    oh and he also said he saw messages from two different candidates, from two different schools say that the Miami athletic department is a mess
  4. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    he said Nuñez had demands and wanted to put in the same infrastructure that he had at LSU. the school didn't meet his stipulations.
  5. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    y'all should go check out that Flo dudes last vid. he's talking about how a lot of these insiders aren't keeping it real and that Nuñez wanted to structure the program like LSU but the school didn't want to handover that much power. plus some other things.
  6. RedPill Stepdad

    Mike Ryan/AD Update - 12/2

    did you not see the last banner? embarrassing.