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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    Read your own statement and then do the research. Get back to me.
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    Your statement was demonstrably false
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    Bad enough that you’re a troll, but you are a truly ignorant troll at that
  4. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    PM me. Hit me with your digits. Keep it off the boards. We’ll talk. This Saturday.
  5. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    You suck balls. You’re a ***aloon that hates the canes no matter what. Fans support the team without necessarily being enamored of the coach, admin, OC or whomever. It’s one thing to hate on coaches, they’re paid adults and it’s part of the job description, same thing with any ath dept...
  6. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Cristobal and perception

    This guy is the biggest anti Cane troll on here. Always shlts on the canes. Always sucks off the SEC. The only reason he’s talking up Mario, is because it gives him another opportunity to shlt on the canes. He would talk up Butch, if somehow it gave him an opportunity or an entrance to shlt on...