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  1. Hufftwoseven

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    😂😂😂 if dudes need to depend on material items for masculinity they’re stuck in the past lol but to each their own
  2. Hufftwoseven

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    I want to as well. They are just expensive! Add an extra 10k on the MRSP if you want electric. I’m waiting for an affordable option for a roomy sedan and crossover. Or my go hybrid I like the Honda Insight
  3. Hufftwoseven

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    True but **** that V8 is thirsty
  4. Hufftwoseven

    Spring Spring PractiSe 13 - 4.12.2022

    Very cool but when am I going to see a kid be smart and get an electric or hybrid car? These gas prices wild!