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  1. 423Hurricane

    Caneville Clowns

    So the BIGGEST clown covering the Canes is throwing his 2 cents into the JB circus. LMAO!
  2. 423Hurricane

    Caneville Clowns

    Because of where I live, I see a lot of TN and VT coverage and I never see a bunch of clowns like we see “covering” Miami. The media for those 2 are almost exclusively print and TV reporters and fans interact with them and rarely anyone else. Sure, they have FB and YouTube channels but rarely do...
  3. 423Hurricane

    Caneville Clowns

    I always LMAO at how many get their panties in a wad over something said by some internet star wannabe. These wannabe’s create youtube pages and beg people to subscribe to their “channels” and enough people are gullible enough to do so to keep them afloat. Here’s what I say to these wannabe’s...