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  1. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    As of now, we have ~52 OV's scheduled for June with a class size somewhere in the 20-30 range. Post your guesses for commit % and NLI % for June visits and we'll see who ends up the closest when all NLIs are in. My guesses: Commit: 40% NLI: 35%
  2. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    Sorry, missed this question. Correct. It was Riley and Kendall Jackson in last year's class.
  3. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    Added an additional table to the OP to compare raw results for each cycle. Year June Visit Commit % June Visit NLI % 24 23 27% 25% 22 51% 40%
  4. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    Found the roll up numbers for the 22 cycle 51% commit rate for June visitors 40% NLI hit rate for June visitors and my prediction for the 23 cycle (which was WAY off)...
  5. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    Some caveats here. I think there were some anomalies with last year and Mario placed a heavy emphasis on flipping kids that didn't visit in June and the 3rd week only had 6 visitors. I may need to go back to June 22 and see how that cycle went.
  6. lindend

    Visits June Official Visit Multi-Year Results Master Thread

    Creating a thread to see if there are any general trends for June visits. My initial speculation was the first or last visits are the ones you want to get. Granted its a limited sample size so far, but the results seem to indicate that the third or fourth weekend is when you want your key...