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  1. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    Premium pricetag for discount results Pretty tough
  2. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    He’s more intertwined with this than just money His contract wasn’t my biggest concern it was how he basically has whatever infrastructure he needed in place He didn’t earn leverage like that
  3. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    Not to be a **** but everyone understands that we are locked in with him If people are saying fire him they’re just venting
  4. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    I’ve never seen a dude be such a deer in headlights when the game gets tight It makes his tough talk absolutely comical
  5. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    Yeah I mentioned this as well First few games all was well but when teams started taking X away we started to spiral and it took too long to make any adjustments to the adjustments
  6. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    I like Mario in a lot of ways I love a lot about this team But the way this thing is put together right now just doesn’t work
  7. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    Yeah we used the pass to set up the run and low and behold you had Fletcher ripping off huge runs X was eating TVD was clearly ailing but he played a gutsy game It’s just almost incredible how we can manage to beat ourselves
  8. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    I’m with you but the last part. We’ve been tumbling for so long we don’t even remember what it looks like to be good
  9. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    That’s it. There’s no amount of spin you can put on that
  10. JHallCanes

    The most frustrating part

    Tough part is that’s the best our offense has looked in two months